Questions tagged as 'delphi'


Show DBF values above MapWinGis + Delphi points

I have the following code to open a .shp file and to plot it in a MapWinGis Map1 component. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var shp: Shapefile; HandleLayer: integer; begin shp:= CoShapefile.Create; shp.Open ('C:\Us...
asked by 01.06.2016 / 21:44

Insufficient memory with ClientDataSet.SaveToFile

I need to generate a XML file of a table of 500,000 rows and 200 columns using ADQuery of FireDAC and TClientDataSet saving with ClientDataSet.SaveToFile(Arquivo). I need to write with ClientDataSet to rem...
asked by 11.03.2016 / 18:54

Search only files that match part of the name in a directory

I have the following problem In a certain directory I will need to create files that meet the following criteria. DOCUMENT_DDMM_SEQ.txt Where Document : Any number that may or may not be repeated DDMM : Day + Month of the curren...
asked by 28.10.2015 / 19:36

Doubt Client-server system migration, FireDac for more than 1 database?

A system was developed using Firebird is dbexpress, to migrate this system so that it would be possible to use more than 1 database, what would be the best solution? In Delphi XE we have the FireDac with access to multiple databases, most when u...
asked by 31.10.2015 / 18:41

SQLServer does not check information correctly in Delphi application

I have a login screen in Delphi + SQLServer where the goal is to compare the data sent with the ones in the database! 1st Scenario: If I add the incorrect password and correct login. error! 2nd Scenario: If I add random text in...
asked by 19.11.2015 / 17:21

spacing between bars in a barcode

I have the code below that generates a copy of bars from an inserted number, but I think the bars are very close, is there a way to leave them with a greater spacing between them? below the code: const digitos : array['0'..'9'] of string[5]...
asked by 16.12.2015 / 11:46

Validate categories with regular expression

I'd like to know how to validate categories with regular expressions. So I have a list of categories separated by commas. Each word must have a maximum of 20 characters, I need to validate each comma if the word has alphanumeric characters. I...
asked by 08.08.2015 / 23:17

Assign value to a Select by option text via Webbrowser

I need to set the value of a Select field of a page that is loaded inside the TWebBrowser component in Delphi 7. This procedure I can do in other fields where the values are the same as the text of the options, but in another field as there ar...
asked by 15.07.2015 / 02:01

Delphi, MySQL, ADOConnection - Convert database data in latin1 to utf8

I'm having trouble converting the strings coming from the database (Mysql - latin1) to UTF8. The case is that I need to get the data in the database encoding for UTF8 to generate an XML with that enconding. I tried some conversions for UTF...
asked by 02.12.2015 / 14:01

How to do livebindings with objects and get the objects contained?

I have a problem that I can not solve at all. With Delphi XE8 , I have already done livebindings to connect components TEdit with non-visual objects, but I can not connect screen components with objects contained in other obj...
asked by 16.07.2015 / 13:41