Questions tagged as 'delphi'


How to improve file write speed for a ClientDataSet?

I am doing the integration of a system with a banking file, and am having a problem in the process. I get a plain text file with approximately 1300Kb and about 5,500 lines from the credit card company. I'm reading this file and storing it in...
asked by 02.04.2014 / 22:27

Is it possible to clone objects in Delphi?

Is it possible to clone objects in Delphi at runtime? For example, you have a Data Module with a zTable . If I use this zTable on two screens at the same time, with different filters, the second screen will overlap the filter u...
asked by 10.02.2014 / 17:29

AVG Accuses Infection in Windows Service Application If Add Command to Windows Firewall Is Present

I have an application that is a Windows Service (Windows Service) and per feature account I'm looking for to add a method to add it to Windows So: procedure AddInFirewall(cApplicationName, cEntryName: string); var cAppName: string...
asked by 15.05.2014 / 15:54

Using global variables and class variables in Delphi

I have some doubts about using global variables and class variables using class var in Delphi. Declaring class variables with class var . unit Unit1; interface type TClass = class public class var _Object: TObjectList...
asked by 21.02.2014 / 18:18

Mounting run-time updates

When mounting SELECTS at runtime we always have the problem of knowing what might be coming or not depending on the choices made by the user. When assembling the WHERE clause we are faced with the question of adding AND o...
asked by 27.05.2016 / 19:46

What is the difference between the Height and ClientHeight properties of a TForm?

In Delphi a Form has 2 properties to set its height: Height and ClientHeight . But what is the difference between the Height and ClientHeight properties of a TForm?     
asked by 30.10.2014 / 19:45

Delphi, TThread.Queue. Which is? When should it be used?

I was seeing this method that makes use of thread: procedure TFormClient.QueueLogMsg(const s: string); begin TThread.Queue(nil, procedure begin LogMsg(s) end ); end; What is this method TThread.Queue ? Unlike...
asked by 07.06.2014 / 17:00

is it possible to work with shp files in delphi?

I would like to put together an application that would have the function of a GIS (QGIS for example), instead of developing a plugin that depend on it for the software to work, generate in% with an executable independent. I already have an...
asked by 09.12.2015 / 13:22

Difference between Getter \ Setter and Property in Delphi

There are a few ways to encapsulate the attributes, of which I find the most interesting is the one that uses the Getter and Setters methods to access the attributes (Similar to Java.) I've been reading and downloading material on...
asked by 07.06.2015 / 18:38

Sending email using Gmail

I need help with emailing GMail using Indy10 and Delphi 7 . I think the Delphi version should not matter so much, but the Indy version right? I just downloaded Indy10 for and I've already installed the components....
asked by 21.03.2014 / 17:45