Questions tagged as 'delphi'


Defining an array vector

I'm learning Pascal and am having basic syntax problems to define a vector-type variable. Here's the statement: var x:array[0..225] of String; I would like to assign the following values and as follows: x := ('X0','V1','V2','V3'), ('X1...
asked by 25.10.2014 / 22:41

Difficulty in running the emulator for Android

I can not run the Android emulator emulator. If I try to run the application I get a message from IDE :    The Selected Emulator is not running. Do you want to start it? Of course, you do not have an emulator running, and the IDE...
asked by 18.05.2014 / 00:10

Help JSON Delphi

Good afternoon! Could you help me read this JSON file in Delphi. I have already tried numerous classes, including the Delphi native, and I was able to read only the data from the first node, such as status. I use the Delphi XE6 version. {...
asked by 09.12.2016 / 18:41

Display the Average in an SQL query

I want to perform a search on a query so far I have only been able to display the total value of the logs.  the idea is to show the average spending. Then it would be the (total / quantity) but I could not mount the logic: what I have so...
asked by 25.11.2015 / 13:52

Thread size defined by code

I have a system that at times gets to use more than a thousand concurrent threads and unfortunately needs to run in 32-bit environment . By default , Delphi allocates 1kb for each new thread , which in a strong> becomes unfeasible for...
asked by 18.03.2014 / 13:32

ShowMessage displays the message 2 times

I have the following code below: for i := 1 to form1.variavel do with form1 do if TEdit(FindComponent('edt_variavel'+IntToStr(i))).Text = '' then begin showmessage ('Preencha os campos em branco') end...
asked by 14.12.2015 / 12:51

Difference between Transaction.Commit and Transaction.CommitRetaining

Using FireDAC technology, I want to know exactly the difference between Commit and CommitRetaining . I read in the official documentation of the FireDAC that CommitRetaining keeps transaction. But this gave me some doubts:...
asked by 15.03.2018 / 20:52

How to improve clientdataset query performance with many records?

When I'm looking for all records of the many clients table, from a remote database and displaying in a DBGrid, this process takes a long time. How do I improve the performance of the clientdataset query when many records are returned?     
asked by 12.03.2015 / 13:28

Encapsulate TClientSocket connections in Multithreads [closed]

I have a variable X number of electronic equipment (Meteorological stations) in my local network, each equipment provides a ServerSocket connection with an IP and a specific port, I have an application developed in DELPHI XE5 that connects to al...
asked by 14.10.2014 / 21:11

How do the visual components of Delphi 2010 follow the visual pattern of Windows?

In Delphi 2010 the interface components (buttons, etc) are all square, Windows 95/98 style. How do I adapt the visual pattern to the latest versions of Windows?     
asked by 10.04.2014 / 13:15