Questions tagged as 'datetime'


How to convert date in dd / mm / yyyy format?

Once I published my app, I started getting the dates in American format like this: 9/14/2016 12:00:00 AM How to format for dd/MM/yyyy ? I tried convert.ToDateTime() more does not work.     
asked by 14.09.2016 / 18:11

Error "could not be parsed" when converting string to DateTime type

I get a DataHora String like this:    2017-10-11 10: 39: 04.217923 I remove this number after the period, and I use LocalDateTime.parse() : private final String PATTERN_DATA_HORA = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"; [...] Movimentacao movi...
asked by 11.10.2017 / 17:38

How to return the timezone timestamp defined?

I'm trying to return the timestamp of my city. When I use the ('Ymd H: i: s') statement it returns the correct time for my region but I need to return timestamp timestamp of my region's time. function agora (){ date_de...
asked by 08.10.2015 / 05:13

Run function in PHP to insert data into DB daily at specific time

I am creating a "module" of my system and now I have to create a function that, when it arrives at the time that is in the database, execute a insert . For example, if the table is the 22:00 time, at 10:00 pm every day it will run...
asked by 29.12.2015 / 01:14

Calculation of interest and penalties in PHP

I am making a code that calculates interest and penalties on PHP based on the amount of days late. But I'm having trouble getting the date and doing this calculation. $databx = new DateTime(); $datavc = new DateTime($bxgst->getDatavencto(...
asked by 19.10.2018 / 15:46

Server with intermittent time [closed]

I have an external PHP server that has generated some time problems, sometimes it generates the correct time (eg, it generates 17:00 to 17:00) and sometimes it generates two hours more (eg 19: 00 to 5:00 p.m.). I have already tried to contact...
asked by 26.12.2016 / 20:20

Date time picker

The code I have is this: $('.form_datetime').datetimepicker({ language: 'pt', format: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss', autoclose: true, todayBtn: true, minuteStep: 10 }); I want it when I open the modal it starts on today it is o...
asked by 01.02.2018 / 21:18

Compare if two date fields are the same in C #

I have form and in this form I have two date fields, campodata1 is populated by user and campodata2 is filled by the database, now I need a code to compare if these two fields have the same information. The fields...
asked by 07.03.2018 / 13:38

Date format in mvc [duplicate]

I'm having problems with the date format in en in an mvc application. Where it displays error if the date is in the dd / MM / yyyy HH: mm format, and only lets the date if it is not formed MM / dd / yyyy HH: mm . Model [Di...
asked by 22.06.2017 / 13:44

SQL query to identify providers available on time

I have a table for service providers that informs the schedule that are not available. id_prestador | id_pedido | hora_entrada | hora_saida 1 | abc1 | 2017-08-10 10:00:00 | 2017-08-10 14:00:00 2 | xpto2...
asked by 03.08.2017 / 14:45