Questions tagged as 'datepicker'


Change date format to Brazilian default, datepicker JQuery

I'm having a problem with date format, if I put dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy , my alert returns me invalid date, if I pull it off and leave American default then returns the date. Any ideas how to resolve this? I want to keep the Brazilian sta...
asked by 07.04.2017 / 19:57

Calendar datepicker bootstrap with error in year bisexto

I'm using% bootstrap%, and I've noticed that the 2016 calendar is wrong. Today for example is 01/07/2016 Friday and the calendar is displaying as if it were Saturday. Cananyonetellmeifthereisasolutiontothisproblem?Javascript$('#data_venda').dat...
asked by 01.07.2016 / 21:53

datepicker does not work in dynamic form with Js

Well, I've assembled a dynamic form using JS. Within this form I have several input with class data , where I call the datepicker. But they do not work, can anyone help me with this? Follow the example below. Note that in non-dynamic in...
asked by 11.08.2016 / 15:39

input type date is not filled

I fill in a DateTime field with input type="date" and I can write it to the database normally. When I retrieve the bank record and try to display it with the same input type, it shows me the field filled with 01/01/0001 . If I ex...
asked by 10.07.2014 / 16:52

Datepicker with array

I am trying to use a datePicker with input in array, because there are 5 validity fields, which I will insert with PHP in an Oracle database. Using the class option the datePicker is called, but it only writes the value to t...
asked by 25.04.2018 / 18:58

Help with DateTangePicker in jQuery

I'm using the jQuery Date Range Picker on a form. Follow the code in jsfiddle My problem is when I click on the input Input appears the date range picker normally, but when I click on the input date, I need it to close and open on the outpu...
asked by 05.06.2017 / 23:03

Display datepicker according to selection

Good afternoon, I'm breaking my head to display the date as per the user's selection. Example: select 01 - the "From / To" select 02 - Only "To" select 03 - Only "From" select 04 - No dates appear I've created an array, with the dataInitia...
asked by 09.01.2017 / 15:35

Programmatically change the date displayed in a DatePicker control?

I'm trying to display data from a field of a MySQL table in a DatePicker control. The code is as follows: if (dataGridProdutos.SelectedIndex != -1) { DateTime selectedDate; DataRowView selectedRecord = (DataRowView)dataGr...
asked by 01.12.2016 / 19:38

Datepicker Do not select certain dates

I'm not able to make this code work, I want some dates not to be selected in datepicker. Now it is not working anymore, it does not open the window to select the dates Can anyone help me? $().ready(function() { var ranges = [{ star...
asked by 14.06.2016 / 04:38

JQuery datepicker popup in white

My project is in .NET MVC 4 and I'm having trouble calling the datepicker. It is applied but the popup is small above the field and blank. I want to use it in this field: @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.DataDesligamento, new { @class = "for...
asked by 04.08.2016 / 19:34