I would like to calculate the difference of two dates and print all dates between them, for example:
$data_inicio = new DateTime("08-02-2018");
$data_fim = new DateTime("10-03-2018");
($dateInterval = $data_inicio->diff($data_fim);
echo $da...
I need to check in my SELECT whether the e.DataTrm field is between 30 and 90 days from today's date. How to make condition in CASE?
e.NmrCnt AS [Contrato]
,e.NmrSerie AS [Serie]
,e.DataAfr AS [Data Aferiçã...
After you get the time difference between two input time fields (see this question ), I do not know how I can put these values inside variables, so I can use them in other functions.
The var_dump of variable $intervalo (...
How do I get the days value of a DateInterval through the date_interval_format() method?
I tried the following, but it did not work:
$var = date_interval_format($diferenca, '%days');