Questions tagged as 'datagridview'


Display date formatted in datagridview

In datagridview has a date field in the format yyyyMMdd and needs to display formatted in the correct form. I tried this: dgvRequisicao.Columns["data"].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "dd/MM/yyyy"; But instead of showing me the f...
asked by 05.07.2016 / 16:07

Playing Query Data For DataGridView in C #

Hello everyone, I'm having problems with a listing. I have a DataGridView loading a list of products automatically and a combobox with the names of the categories, the idea is that when selecting a category and clicking the list button, DataG...
asked by 03.04.2015 / 19:12

How to put image and text in the same cell as the DataGridView

How to put image and text in the same cell as DataGridView C #? I need the two to be displayed in the same cell.     
asked by 30.01.2015 / 21:23

Write checkbox value in sql server database

I have DataGridView and it contains checkbox , I need to write the value in the database, how can I do this insert in the database, the field in the database is like 0=false e 1=true, Only the parameter in my code is passing...
asked by 11.08.2018 / 00:41

Scroll bar in wrong position - DataGridView

I'm trying to select the last row in a DataGridView after adding a new item. For this I am executing the following code: dgwVenda.ClearSelection() dgwVenda.Rows(dgwVenda.Rows.Count - 1).Selected = True If dgwVenda.Controls(1).Visible = True Th...
asked by 21.06.2018 / 20:23

Generating an xlsx file from a GridView that is fed by a Database

Good afternoon, I'm facing a problem when generating an Excel file, I was able to make the information appear in Excel and be shown on the screen, but I found myself with doubts when I try to generate only one file with the information, my doubts...
asked by 05.09.2018 / 20:20

Load grid information into textbox in a form that is already open c # windows form

Hello, I'm trying to do something that looks simple but I'm not getting it, I want to click a button to add the data from a grid go to another form that is already open. The problem is that I am only able to load a new form. This is not what I w...
asked by 29.10.2017 / 18:40

Load two fields from a DataGrid using a txt file

How can I do this, see what I have so far: DataGrid, I need to load comboBox and valor unitário with values that I previously saved in a txt RecordProductsbutton,savename-priceprivatevoidbtnGravar_Click(objectsender,E...
asked by 27.10.2017 / 12:20

How to format data extracted from datagridview to excel

private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook workbook = app.Workboo...
asked by 26.10.2017 / 20:07

Release of datagridviewr gridi on the change button

Good morning, I have a doubt, I have a datagridviwer, I have cleared the option to change the fields, and I need to do that when the user clicks on the change button I release the grid to change, how can I do this?     
asked by 11.09.2017 / 15:23