Questions tagged as 'data'


How to get the name of day of the week of the first day of the month?

How do I get the name (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ...) from the first day of December from the current date?     
asked by 17.10.2017 / 15:47

Leaving FullCalendar in the language pt-BR

Hello, I downloaded a fullcalendar template from Adan Shaw , but the default language is English, I would like to leave it in Portuguese. How do I make this change? Thank you.     
asked by 02.12.2015 / 13:32

How to subtract dates in laravel?

I need to calculate working time on a call. For this I need to do operations with date , how do I do this in laravel ? Code: public function ticketsByUserSearch(Request $request) { $user = new User(); $user = $user-&g...
asked by 08.09.2016 / 15:48

How to validate date taking leap year into account?

How to validate date with leap year in JavaScript?     
asked by 18.06.2014 / 13:35

PHP echo Problem with special characters ("ç") [duplicate]

I'm developing a website that displays the names of months with strftime . The html is already with 'charset = UTF-8'. The problem is that the display of the month name appears as in the image below Ididalittletestbelowwiththenameofth...
asked by 07.03.2014 / 13:59

How to calculate the difference between two dates ignoring the weekends in Java without using loop

I was looking for a solution to this problem but I did not find a satisfactory algorithm, so I decided to create the algorithm. Hope it works for someone. public int betweenDaysIgnoreWeekends(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { //Um nu...
asked by 29.08.2014 / 11:52

How to check if a LocalDate is a weekend?

I have the following date of type LocalDate 2017-12-21 How do I check if it's a weekend? I tried to use Calendar , but it seems to only work with Date .     
asked by 22.12.2017 / 02:52

Daylight Saving Time with Old Dates

On my system saved all dates in UTC , but in the display for the user I show in GMT -3 . The problem is when I save a date in daylight saving time, because in case it will not be made the difference of 3 hours, it saves doing the conversion...
asked by 13.09.2017 / 20:45

Licensing: How to deal with tampering with a computer's local time / date?

I'm developing an application (Desktop) that requires license renewal periodically, following a SaaS template. The license template should work as follows: The license will be downloaded from a web service. This requires the user to be...
asked by 29.02.2016 / 19:49

How to get the current year in ORACLE?

I need to get the annual year in ORACLE, but I just know how to get the current date, like this: SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL Can you manipulate this to get the Year?     
asked by 27.02.2014 / 19:27