Questions tagged as 'csv'


Remove all line breaks from only one column of a csv file on Linux

I have a csv file with more than 500k of rows and need to remove row breaks from just one column in an efficient way besides exclude all the links that contain it, an excerpt from the file: "created_at","text","location","name","screen_...
asked by 07.03.2017 / 01:08

How to sum values from a csv using Python?

I have a csv file similar to this one, with all the information of all municipalities in Brazil (I shortened the csv to not be too long): ESTADO,MUNICIPIO,HABITANTES,AREA AC,ACRELÂNDIA,12538,1807.92 AC,ASSIS BRASIL,6072,4974.18 AC,BRASILÉIA,21...
asked by 03.10.2018 / 23:43

How to export a table to CSV using PHP?

I have a contact table, I would like to know how to export it to .csv using PHP?     
asked by 17.03.2014 / 20:30

foreach - Moving CSV file

I need to go through a CSV file to capture a value and print it on the screen. Example: Column "N" line "2", in this case, it is cell N2 which is written: 2.98 How to print this N2 cell on the screen? How to get there? <?php$h=fo...
asked by 15.08.2017 / 14:51

Organize data in excel

I have a file with 59 comments and 93 variables in Excel file and I have converted it to .csv. to create the table in R, however my 93 variables appear in the same column. How do I make them appear separate?     
asked by 06.08.2016 / 22:28

Separation of fields in array

I have a string that consists of (included quotation marks): "campo","outrocampo","maisumcampo" I need to separate these fields, without the quotation marks, into an array. What I'm doing is a $string = str_replace('"', NULL, $string)...
asked by 23.05.2014 / 17:03

Find and Replace in bash

I need to find outdated rows in a csv file and replace them with new rows. These are the commands that find the lines that are going to be replaced (old) and that will replace (new) lines. linhas_antigas=$(diff -y arquivo_com_linhas_antigas...
asked by 21.06.2018 / 20:12

Protect Excel worksheet in C #

In a C # application, it can take from 1 to 2100 hours of data gathering. The data is saved in a CSV Excel spreadsheet every minute. With the code below we can hide and show the file. #region string diret=saveFileDialog1.FileName;...
asked by 13.07.2017 / 11:09

Reading csv with django

Well, I'm working with an open database, and it's in CSV, I'm using DJANGO to read the CSV and thus inserting into the database ... But it's failing to insert the first year, I'm trying to insert 8 years of data, the first year it inserts only 1...
asked by 01.09.2016 / 00:43

Exporting my database to CSV with PHP

I created a code in php that performs a twitter search and saves the result (100 tweets) to a database. In this code, I also have the option to select all tweets from the database and export them to a csv file. However, if the tweet has a lin...
asked by 27.08.2015 / 22:11