Questions tagged as 'css'


Is it correct to use JS to make the effects of an HTML?

What I want to know is whether it's right to use JavaScript / JQuery to do some button and screen effects, center content horizontally and do certain tasks that can be done by CSS. The design here of the company said that it is better to use J...
asked by 23.04.2015 / 19:39

How to stylize the select tag

How do I style the select tag, like the arrow at the end of the field. Do pseudo-classes :hover , :focus work with this element?     
asked by 03.02.2014 / 18:57

Why does CSS work with "fake" HTML elements?

I've seen some examples like this on the internet, showing what html elements with custom names work with regard to the application of css styles. elementofake { color:red; font-size:30px; font-weight:bold; } <elementofake>...
asked by 14.03.2017 / 18:49

What is the difference between "margin: 0 auto;" and "margin: auto;"?

As the title already says: What exactly is the difference between margin: 0 auto; and margin: auto; ? margin: 0 auto; margin: auto; Why can you only use 0? What would be the unity of this 0? px %?     
asked by 22.05.2017 / 16:53

Organization of CSS

Is there a standard for organizing CSS? For example: .teste{font-family:"arial";font-size:18px;color:white} or .teste{ font-family:"arial"; font-size:18px; color:white } Which one is right for you?     
asked by 06.10.2014 / 16:54

How to use and what the user-select property is for

I'm learning front-end and I came across on this site with a CSS property named user-select , I did not understand what it was for and could not find a good explanation. I wanted you to explain to me what it's for, how and when to use...
asked by 17.04.2015 / 20:59

Back to Top

I need to have a fixed icon on the page in the lower right corner of the screen. By clicking this icon it returns to the top of the page, making Scroll scroll to the top of the page. Can anyone help me? I'm a beginner and I have a hard...
asked by 28.08.2014 / 20:20

How to create a box with two-sided lines only with CSS

I'm looking for a help from where to start in order to be able to create a structure totally in css like in the image below. I know this may sound very simple, but I can not get you started.     
asked by 16.04.2015 / 04:03

What do the two consecutive points (..) mean in a file path?

I still do not understand what this means. Why should I put these two points? Example: ..\Images/Logo.png     
asked by 28.10.2016 / 19:33

How to reset CSS formatting?

It was not uncommon to go through situations in which the browser itself interferes with the stylesheet by adding defaults, such as size of margins and font of headers, the default height of the line. Is there any way to reset a CSS, ie "rese...
asked by 16.12.2013 / 15:47