Questions tagged as 'css'


DIV resize after being clicked

Hello! I have a page with several DIVs. which are several different news. these DIV so in a size of 300px by 250px,  I would like to know how I can by clicking on any of these div it resizes on the screen and gets bigger, making it appear all...
asked by 01.12.2018 / 22:18

Problem with php sending form email and alternative checkbox

Hello, I need help, because I do not understand much about php, and I'm not able to get the reply mail from my form in working order. The checkboxes only send a response of 1 of the selected articles and never send all if more than 1 selected. I...
asked by 26.12.2018 / 17:09

Turn card into carousel when lower resolution

I have the following system of cards made with bootstrap 4 , each one occupying 4 columns. ButIneedthemwhentheygomobilesotheylooklikeCarousel,I'mtryingtouse Owl Carousel , but I need it to check if the resolution is small and display...
asked by 27.12.2018 / 16:41

Why does my border-image not respect border-radius?

I am using a linear-gradient as border-imagem in an element, but this way the border does not respect the border-radius that I put and does not curl the vertices. I'd like it to look like this: Butitlookslikethis: Here...
asked by 02.01.2019 / 13:26

FlexBox Align-items does not work

I have a problem, I did not quite understand the concept of Align-items in flexbox , I do not know why it's not working, <div style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center"> <div style="background-color: red...
asked by 28.11.2018 / 17:06

CSS Customization with jQuery

I'm developing a website and needed a help on a question: I am making 6 cards with some titles and when I click on a card, it makes a request Ajax fetches some information from the service just below the specific card. This is just a brief...
asked by 29.11.2018 / 15:08

How to get CSS values from one element and apply it to other elements. Stick Footer

I'm using Ryan Fait's Stick Footer solution , but I wanted to leave it making it more dynamic using JavaScript, allowing the height of the footer to automatically calculate the other values of the CSS properties of the other elements. It can be...
asked by 03.06.2014 / 16:30

How to display a sequence of images from a single link?

Normally when using image gallery plugins (Lightbox, Fancybox, etc.), we load image A from thumb A, image B from thumb B and so on. By setting a relationship ( rel="x" ), we were able to display several gallery images using "next" and "pre...
asked by 26.05.2014 / 19:59

Visual Studio Code - empty CSS ruleset

When I create a class in HTML and go to CSS and put ".alguma_Class {}" the css file does not recognize this class in the automatic search and only works if I type everything in the hand and only after that it starts appearing in the automatic se...
asked by 29.10.2018 / 22:42

Resize photos of carrousel made by Bootstrap and Javascript

I have a carousel made by Javascript and Bootstrap. It receives images from a database based on a clicks rank, but the images are all different sizes and end up interfering with the display of the carrousel, I already tried changing sizes in inl...
asked by 30.10.2018 / 15:46