Questions tagged as 'commit'


How to delete an old Git commit?

guys, I was previously playing some stuff in git and I accidentally copied a folder with a file inside and commitei locally, then I deleted it and commitei the deletion locally, I was developing what I needed and committing, when I went to give...
asked by 22.05.2016 / 20:19

Modifying commits that did not receive push

I need to edit the commit message and add another file. I have not yet given Push in commit, is there a way to resolve this?     
asked by 24.04.2018 / 13:41

How to get the signature of changed methods in a commit

So folks, I need to sign all of the methods that have been changed in a commit, be it updated, removed, or added. Example: In this commit The changed methods were: - br.ufrn.ase.Classe1.metodoB(int b)U - br.ufrn.ase.Classe1.getV()D...
asked by 23.03.2015 / 13:19

Is it possible to revert changes to only one file in a commit?

Let's say we made a commit and that a file was changed wrong. Is there any way to revert this commit to just the file you want?     
asked by 05.09.2016 / 15:22

How to join multiple commits from the same file?

I made three commits in the same file using git commit arquivo.ext -m "msg" . I realized that these three commits would be better together, as if they were a single commit. Can you do this even after git push ?     
asked by 26.11.2017 / 19:24

Structure of the Commit

I would like to know if you can change the structure of a commit, in the case before it is made a predetermined structure, example: GIT_AUTHOR_NAME = '$name(Previamente registrado)' GIT_AUTHOR_DATE = '$date(data do sistema)' GIT_COMMITTER_DATE...
asked by 30.06.2016 / 17:00

Make a file from the vendor folder

My vendor folder is by default skipped and I know this is the right one, but it happens that I need to commit a specific file that is in that folder, would it have? If not, what other solution can I adopt?     
asked by 26.09.2016 / 16:15

How to rewind the git command add --all

I ended up using this command unduly, and added many files that I should not, wanted to go back to the previous state, the command git reset HEAD <file> returns only one file, and how many are unfeasible to use it. I added the direc...
asked by 06.12.2018 / 00:58

How to commit using command line in SVN

The folder was created empty in SVN. I need to put the content in it, but I do not want to do all the file and folder additions one by one. I'm in linux and would like to do it by command line, but I still can not, I used the commands: s...
asked by 21.09.2017 / 02:14

Description of Files and Directories in GitHub [closed]

I can not insert an individualized description into directories and files in GitHub. In several projects I saw this resource, but according to the documentation, I already used git add and later commit -m "descrição" individuall...
asked by 25.03.2017 / 05:36