Questions tagged as 'cmd'


Open an executable file using VB or CMD

How to open a file of any extension, such as - Paçoca.legalcara in an executable like - algo.exe using CMD or VB ? Note: The path must be relative, which means that everyone is in the same folder     
asked by 26.06.2015 / 01:27

Hide filenames at compaction time [closed]

I'm using the syntax below to zip files. 7z u -t7z destino\arquivo.7z origem\arquivo.*. The u parameter causes the 7z.exe to only compress the modified files. My question is that when I run this command via the command prompt,...
asked by 13.02.2015 / 17:17

Determine an amount of time to respond to something in Batch

Is it possible to determine an amount of time for the user to answer a question in a batch? If I were to use a batch to turn off the computer, the user would have 1 minute to answer something in that batch, if he did nothing, the command would a...
asked by 05.12.2017 / 18:02

get the last 2 tokens of a variable in Batch

I need to get the last 2 tokens of a variable in batch the variable is Rastreando a rota para user722-PC [] The output I need is a variable containing user722-PC and another containing [] and no, I c...
asked by 25.10.2017 / 08:30

Man pages in Windows

At the Linux command terminal we can access the application man pages. Type man date. Is there anything equivalent in Windows cmd? For example, I wanted to know the details of the tasklist command (its variations and such).     
asked by 31.07.2017 / 03:26

Start Wildfly in debug mode

Starting Wildfly in eclipse in debug mode is simple. I want to start via command line by running standalone.bat . So far so good, but I want to start in debug mode and under normal conditions I can open my cm...
asked by 21.02.2017 / 23:45

Copy all .jpg from subfolders to a single folder by cmd

I have a folder that has 148 folders in it, and in each of these folders they have a .jpg file. I need to get all these .jpg and put it in a single folder IcandothisinLinuxso'#!/bin/bashforarquivoin'findOrigem-name*.jpg';domv"...
asked by 30.03.2018 / 02:08

Is it possible to optimize this code?

I asked a question here and they sent me a suggestion of a code that does a search on the contents of all .bat files in a directory using as criteria, names that are in a .txt file. set "File2Read=falhou.txt" set "File3Read=call.txt" If No...
asked by 27.06.2018 / 15:01

How to open (execute) a .bat file by php?

I have a .bat file whose function is to send a .pdf file to the printer. In the same directory I have my .php file. I used the exec('imprimir.bat') function, and tried the same code from the .bat file only using system : syste...
asked by 08.06.2018 / 23:01

JasperStarter Array and Collection Parameters

I'm working with Jasper reports in PHP. It's all right, I can list them with no problem, but when I have an Array or Collection parameter error occurs. I tried to pass through CMD in several ways the Collection parameter, example: parameter =...
asked by 24.06.2016 / 13:42