Questions tagged as 'cliente-servidor'


C socket for Linux (how to pass a struct?)

I have a client / server application and I need to transfer a struct to the server, but this is not working: typedef struct{ int pontos; int vidas; int flagReiniciar; int flagAcabar; int matriz[21][19]; } dados; send(sockfd,&...
asked by 14.09.2015 / 07:04

How to integrate an Android application with a server in Python + DB?

Good afternoon everyone! I am a Computer Science student, but I have not yet had the opportunity to have a deeper experience with programming, involving the necessary integrations in applications and systems, and I would love to get a sense of w...
asked by 28.01.2018 / 20:07

Client-Server, Threads, client error when going online

I'm developing a cliente-servidor application, the server has two threads (a in and a out ) well implemented. I run the server (okay), I run the first client and put it as online (okay), I run the second client and when I...
asked by 19.12.2015 / 18:29

Application Server

The client does not have a server (Windows Server or Linux) and does not want to host the system in a data center or in clouds for example, and wants to use the system on an intranet. At the moment 3 employees will use the system being deve...
asked by 29.09.2016 / 13:20

How to leave my app open waiting for the server to send information

I am creating a client app that as soon as it changes status of some component on the server the server will send the client so that the user can visualize. I need the app to be open receiving information and whenever user opens it should put yo...
asked by 26.06.2014 / 13:08

Creating a CLI tool with NODEJS

I'm learning how to create a Command-Line Interface Applications (CLI) tool and performed the following steps: I created a folder and inside it in the terminal rodei npm init--yes In this folder, I created the package.json in t...
asked by 17.05.2018 / 22:15

Java: Problems with wait () and notify ()

Good evening, I'm doing a java project where I make connections between the client and a server. This client sends messages to another recipient. It is up to the Server to handle this message, forwarding it to the right Client. I am an error:...
asked by 05.12.2015 / 22:50

What is the best way to make an AJAX request in WordPress?

When I make an AJAX request in WordPress I do it in two ways, but I'd like to know which one is best. The two that I know of are: 1º) You put your function in functions, eg: add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_my-function','my_function'); add_act...
asked by 01.11.2014 / 21:35

NullPointerException when connecting to server

I'm doing a server / client Java program. When I start the server class I get the error    Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.NullPointerException I'll leave the code below to help me solve the problem: public class Servidor imple...
asked by 14.12.2015 / 14:08

Retrieve Auto Increment Id DataSnap Delphi XE3

I use Delphi XE3 / DataSnap with Firedac When I write the parent table on the server I want to retrieve the value that was added via auto increment in the parent so that I can enter this new value in the foreign key in the child table. I d...
asked by 10.06.2014 / 17:39