Questions tagged as 'click'


addClass () to an object via an external link

I need to create a click () function for 8 links that are in pagina X , each link will take me to a specific slide in a pagina Y . The slide is active when it is with Class selected , so my idea is as follows: The user cl...
asked by 29.04.2016 / 04:09

Click and act, click again and return to position / Jquery

I made a button to open a configuration screen, when I click open the screen, and the button changes from "Configuration" to "Back" but I would like it when I clicked again to write "Configuration" . Can anyone help me? Preferably in jQ...
asked by 17.02.2018 / 20:36

Swap tabs ngb-tabset with button click

I have two tabs and need to change tabs by clicking a button. I usually work with routes, but in this case I need to change only the tab on the same webpage. I have the following Tabs, TAB 1 and TAB 2. Considering that I am in TAB 1, what wou...
asked by 24.11.2017 / 17:14

Click as if it were toggle or hover

I have a problem with something similar to a legacy tooltip, what happens is that they did in hover this way: var elem = jQuery('#interrogacao_adicionar_cartao_div'); jQuery('#tooltip-cartao').hover( function() {;...
asked by 22.11.2017 / 19:54

How to get value and id inside TD?

I have three action links within the TD of a Table. How do I get (in Jquery) the value and id when I click on one of the links? The following is the code below: var dados = [ ['Banana', '10,00'], ['Maça', '2,00'],...
asked by 26.08.2015 / 23:14

After filtering content, jQuery does not work

I made a code listing database items with PHP (using data-id for jQuery to "read" the click), but when you filter the items using Ajax, click it to work. PHP while ($furni = $furnis->fetch_assoc()) { echo '<img src="./web-gallery...
asked by 22.03.2015 / 14:53

How do I disable the "click event" on the days of the "Date Range Picker"?

I'm trying to prevent the click event on each day from DateRangePicker , I'm just trying to prevent users from changing the period. I've created a pen in Codepen, follow link: link HTML <input data-start="16/11/2018" data-end="...
asked by 20.11.2018 / 13:14

Simulate Click on Page?

Hello! I have a project to develop in which there is an iframe on the page. I would like to know if it is possible to simulate a page click within an iframe. Note: The iframe domain is different     
asked by 16.07.2018 / 20:16

I need to click through the class on a button in the webbrowser of visua basic

So I'm trying to click the button for the class using the visual basic webbrowser with this code here, but it just does not click and I do not understand why .. if you can help me, thank you. Dim PageElement1 As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrow...
asked by 18.07.2018 / 04:59

How to call the event mouse click on C language

Hello, I would like to click on a certain part of the prompt to trigger the event through the click, that is, click on the "Include" string to clear the table and call the Inclusion screen.     
asked by 24.02.2018 / 03:37