Questions tagged as 'classes-abstratas'


Get a class that has a certain interface implemented in generics [closed]

Hello. I want to do something like metodo(Class<? extends ClasseAbstrata> classe) , except that an abstract class, I want to use a interface , but if I change from extends to implements eclipse starts to point...
asked by 24.06.2016 / 23:51

How to instantiate a model and get its resources by its name in Ruby on Rails

Since I have the abstract class User , and its subclasses Client Employee and Admin , I would like to render screens according to the chosen subclass. Therefore:      users/_form.html.erb : should contain a selection b...
asked by 12.01.2015 / 14:29

Abstract Form Inheritance

I have a default Form, with a textbox , a search button, and a grid; as I intend to use it for several searches, I left an abstract search method () and at the same time the form as abstract ... When inheriting this form, implement in the...
asked by 24.04.2017 / 01:22

Error trying to sum all through a class in Java

I'm doing a small project on expense control, and I'm having a problem calculating total expenses. I'm having a class called Expense which is an abstract class, and other classes called Transport , Food and Daily will inherit from it the...
asked by 12.04.2016 / 07:40

How to execute methods of all classes that extend an interface in symfony

I needed something similar to console doctrine:fixtures:load in relation to class DataFixtureLoader and interface OrderedFixtureInterface ie I want to make a Command where it looks for all classes that have extended t...
asked by 11.04.2015 / 21:05

Abstract unit tests

I have a problem when using abstract classes to keep my code common to my tests, initialization, shutdown etc ... I use a concrete class just to initialize the variables. The inherited code of the abstract class does not run when running the tes...
asked by 30.09.2014 / 15:36

objects sharing the same copy of a variable

The goal is to put into practice the concepts I'm learning at MALA GUPTA, 2015 . So the way I found in contributing is to ask the community to implement the concepts in practice. So whoever is interested and wants to contribute and wants to dem...
asked by 03.04.2017 / 02:12

How to instantiate an abstract class in C #?

I know that the abstract class can not be instantiated. But I need to call it in Windows Forms and I'm not getting it.     
asked by 27.04.2018 / 17:33