Questions tagged as 'ckeditor'


Retrieve textarea value in form .serialize ()

I've always used generic function, but I'm having a problem retrieving the value of textarea . I use a text editor in textarea , the CkEditor . Here is the function I'm using: function sendPost(form, action, callback) { aja...
asked by 03.04.2014 / 15:53

Change the CKEditor toolbar

I'm using CKEditor on a PHP site using Composer to install CKEditor. And I set up various types of toolbar in the file config.js of it. When I change the toolbar I want in the file config.js it changes on the site, but it has p...
asked by 23.05.2014 / 18:45

How to upload image to the Ckeditor interface?

I built a small blog with the help of the Laravel 5.3 framework . In the posting area I'm using Ckeditor , but I'm having trouble building an efficient "upload method / scheme". There are many plugins from Ckeditor itself for this purpose,...
asked by 13.11.2016 / 03:41

CKEditor - "ImageUploader" plugin - problem in image link

I can upload the image, it uploads the image correctly and it shows in the editor. I already checked via FTP and the file is uploading to the folder correctly. When I send the form to the other page, the image does not appear anymore and the...
asked by 26.08.2015 / 01:12

CKEditor font size

I'm using CKEditor and would like to customize my editor. When opened, by default it would already come with Arial font size 20 for example. In my searches (between several others , and other , and other , etc ...), I found ways to chan...
asked by 06.10.2015 / 15:23

How to create a default margin in the ckeditor?

I started using CKEditor And when initializing it, it comes as follows: And I would like it to come with a standard margin (I want it to look like A4 sheet) How could you make it come with a spacing?     
asked by 12.02.2015 / 21:07

MySql does not save all characters [closed]

I've implemented CKeditor in my textarea, but it is not saving the data correctly in the DB. The result looks like this: If I write Test in bold, the result of the pure html would be: <p><strong>teste</strong></p>...
asked by 19.09.2017 / 01:46

Problems adding script dynamically with Javascript

I'm having trouble dynamically adding a script to a page. The script I want to add is CKEDITOR (Text Editor). I am able to add the Script, but I can not access the object of this Script after this action, the object that is created is C...
asked by 09.03.2015 / 13:01

CKEDITOR - Pre-Defined Text

Anyone have any idea where I can be putting a predefined text within the textarea? % in the example below:     
asked by 09.06.2018 / 05:21

maxlength plugin on ckeditor does not work

I need to limit the amount of characters in CKEditor. I followed the step by step of this topic: Limit text in CKEDITOR But it did not work. Below the changes made to my code: <textareaid="desc" name="desc" data-maxlen="10" rows=...
asked by 03.04.2018 / 14:00