Questions tagged as 'centos'


Java Serial Communication

I developed an application in Java that communicates with microcontrollers through serial ports, in tests performed in Windows everything went perfectly well but in Linux, more precisely in CentOS, the application is aborted by the VM and displa...
asked by 18.12.2014 / 18:34

Script string removal

To edit this file and remove all incidence of ^ [[* m how do I edit thirst? Incidents are marked in bold.    sed 's / \ ^ [[* m // g' file The backup routine is still running on the server! The backup process began at 15:19:28 EDT and i...
asked by 20.06.2017 / 00:43

Installation CodeBlocks CentOS

I'm a beginner in programming, I just did a subject in college. I would like to install CodeBlocks on CentOS 7 (on a college machine) to edit a C program, but I'm having a hard time. I downloaded codeblocks-16.01.el6.i686.tar.xz (via Sourcefo...
asked by 05.07.2017 / 00:26

Error 500 in CakePHP version 1.3.15

I'm working on a CakePHP project that I can not test on localhost . I took the project already started and as I can not do the tests, direct post always keeping the backup and work like this is horrible. I installed CakePHP in version 1...
asked by 15.01.2016 / 17:05

Port redirection [closed]

I have the following scenario: I changed the MySQL port 54235, on linux server Centos, I accept connections from outside only on that port. I have old and discontinued third-party software, where there is no option to change the default po...
asked by 14.10.2018 / 18:07

Centos 7 - Proxy authentication without saving password

Is there any way to configure the proxy in the file "/etc/yum.conf" without leaving the password saved in this file? Something like, pass the password by parameter? Today the password is written to the file as follows: # HABILITAR PROXY CEN...
asked by 17.04.2018 / 19:10

Transfer file to linux server with Python

Hello, I want to make a Python file that will transfer all files from a local folder of my Windows to a specific path on my CentOS 7 server >. At first this server is on my local network , but it would be interesting to make a transfer...
asked by 12.09.2017 / 21:12

How to disable HTTPS on CentOS Apache 2 installed on Amazon EC2?

I installed CentOS an Amazon EC2 instance, and I inserted an SSL certificate using Let's Encrypt - Free SSL / TLS Certificates >. It was all cute and working perfectly. See: Every time you enter http:// , the user is automatica...
asked by 02.09.2017 / 05:59

Crontab does not execute script

I'm trying to run a script through centos crontab, I'm doing this: crontab -e Then I put: */1 * * * * root /home/websites/public_html/admin/functions/ obs: Before doing this, add permissions to the file chmod +x I'm...
asked by 10.07.2017 / 17:13

Error installing git on EC2 instance with Cent OS 5

I have an ec2 instance newly created using CentOS release 5.11 (Final). One of the first things I tried to do was to install git using: sudo yum install git only that is displaying this error: I already gave the command sud...
asked by 11.11.2016 / 22:53