Questions tagged as 'bxslider'


Use jQuery function only in @media screen and (max-width: 960px)

We know that there are @media queries . They work with CSS. But I need to do with JavaScript. I need bxSlider to work only on% w / o%.     
asked by 18.03.2014 / 13:40

How to put 3 slides together in Bxslider?

I could not do it alone, I wanted your help. I would be grateful if anyone could solve this problem for me. This is the photo on my slide. ThisismyHTMLcode. <div class="main"> <div class="slideshow"> <div class="s...
asked by 14.12.2015 / 03:58

Slide gallery one image at a time with BxSlider

I'm trying to create a slide gallery with link I would like the gallery to pass one image at a time and not a group of images. Example that I'm using but would like to CHANGE: link ) Below the code: <script> $(document).ready...
asked by 12.08.2015 / 00:23

Carousel style with 3 slides

I'm trying to make a slider type where the middle slide appears as the main one and the sides will cut according to the resolution, but I was having problems with IE and incredible how it seems the client uses IE8 . To show what I w...
asked by 05.03.2014 / 19:14

How to format multiple bxSlider on the same page with different styles?

I'm developing a site whose pages will have 3 or 4 sliders (bxsliders) so my problem is that I'd like to format one by one, especially the margins of the buttons below ( link ), since there are sliders that have more height than others, b...
asked by 10.03.2014 / 19:37

bxSlider does not reload when you click on your hidden parent

Hello I have a slideshow that uses bxSlider and is inside a hidden DIV while loading the page. This bxSlider starts in another function I wrote below. I have however a button to make all the hidden content appear but the slideshow is alway...
asked by 04.12.2018 / 19:37

Spacing between divs overlays

I have this site that contains a slider the problem that is happening is that depending on the size of the screen the spacing between each slide changes, does anyone have any idea how to solve this? I'm using the bxslider plugin. T...
asked by 04.02.2014 / 11:11

Separate 6 images into 3 div, forming a slider with bxslider

I'm using the bxslider plugin. Each slider contains 6 images that are divided into 3 div , whose classes are item_top and item_bottom , for three images from above and below, respectively. When I first got the static co...
asked by 09.12.2015 / 16:38

$ jQuery Easy Slider Numeric

I'm using Jquery easySlider1.7.js, and I have a doubt about the 'numeric' property. When using this property, the plugin add to the bottom of the images a link for each slide, only when selecting one of them, automatic scrolling is disabled....
asked by 15.05.2015 / 20:17

View slide only after upload

I would like a help because when I load my page, my slide is all messed up, and only after about 5 seconds it returns to normal and this ends up causing a bad impression. I would like something with jquery or ajax to show my sli...
asked by 06.02.2016 / 15:56