Questions tagged as 'build'


How to change the build gradle to an earlier version (android studio)?

I'm creating a project that runs in the version of android studio 3.1, and I have this old version of android studio but the build gradle is up to date and I can not make my codes run I do not want to change my codes or adapt I just want to go b...
asked by 22.12.2018 / 05:17

Wheel in eclipse but the project build with orjdbc7.rar jar does not work

Hello, how are you? I'm having trouble generating .jar from a Spring Boot + Maven project In Eclipse it runs smoothly But when I run the build with this command ./mvnw package && java -jar target/ff-back-boilerplate-0.0.1-SNAPSHO...
asked by 03.12.2018 / 22:22

Strange Debug with Android Studio

Note the print, the title (1) of the error has more details than the body (2) of the error. Not all errors appear that way. Is it possible to configure the title to also appear along with the error body?     
asked by 08.12.2018 / 21:34

How does% config work in RPM builds?

I'm trying to make an update on an application in GO that I have. For the build, I have a .spec file that RPM uses to build, the problem is that I have the following case: I have 3 configuration files, which I need never to be removed / cha...
asked by 28.11.2018 / 14:25

Problem when running ng build Angular

Hello, I'm having an Angular problem when I run the following command for building in the ng build --prod --aot=false project directory, how do I solve the problem? What is the reason why this error is occurring? Following is the error lo...
asked by 06.11.2018 / 17:49

Build on the locked Ionic

I have a problem using the command: ionic cordova build android --prod --release It always worked but today it gets stuck at the prompt as below: C:\Users\ALUIZT\Documents\workspace-ionic\myApp>ionic cordova build android --prod --rele...
asked by 03.11.2018 / 21:53

How to write build script for different projects inside a solution (C #)?

I have an empty solution in the DDD standard, where each layer is a standard library project and I have also got my test project in a separate project. More or less like the image below: I'd like to generate a build script in order to c...
asked by 07.10.2018 / 15:14

Ionic - Error generating the build

First I can create the plataforms / android folder with the command in the terminal: ionic cordova platform add android . But when I create build with apk with the command: ionic cordova build android . This error text appears:...
asked by 13.08.2018 / 09:16

Error running Android application - React Native

I created my application for Android using react-native. I can use it by connecting the cell phone to the PC or using an emulator. However, when I generate the signed version of the application and install it on my phone it does not run. I...
asked by 30.06.2018 / 14:00

How to publish an Angular CLI project to my server?

I have a project in Angularjs running localhost perfectly. I'm trying to host on the server " HOSTGATOR " and I'm not succeeding. I'm building Build with the Angle CLI and Hosting the Dir " Dist " in the " www." When trying to access index...
asked by 18.06.2018 / 14:44