Questions tagged as 'binding'


How do I bind an element that was inherited from a User Control?

I've assembled a User Control that will be a screen template for me to implement other screens and avoid repetition of layout components. It contains a TextBox txb Search. <UserControl x:Class="SistemaComercial.Presentation.WPF.Views.Lists....
asked by 10.10.2017 / 00:56

Select item in ListBox with Binding?

I have a list of contacts: <ListBox Name="lstContatos"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">...
asked by 15.11.2015 / 16:14

Problem with Bindind + KeyDown C # WPF

I have in XAML a combobox and a textbox, they are: <Label Grid.ColumnSpan="4" Content="Tipo Filtro" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Padding="0" VerticalContentAlignment="Center"/> <ComboBox SelectedValue=...
asked by 28.12.2018 / 19:38

MVVMLight Event to Command using Model for the Command Parameter

I've been trying to use MVVMLight's Event to Command to link my ViewModel's commands to events such as TextChanged's TextBox, for example. But Event to Command automatically assumes that the Command Parameter is the Event Args of TextChanged. I...
asked by 07.11.2018 / 13:52

Problem with application Laravel + AdminLTE

My problem is this, the application I'm developing has a client listing, which uses the following code to display: <section class="content"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="box...
asked by 03.10.2017 / 20:03

Xamarin Forms - How to make Datime.Now dynamic?

How to make the Datime.Now dynamic in xamarin forms? I need time to keep running. In this case it is stopped. I have a Label that captures the data of a class Label Text="{Binding data}" TextColor="Blue" >HorizontalOptions="CenterAndEx...
asked by 08.09.2017 / 00:55

There is data binding in Python

Hello, guys. You know some kind of data binding in Python that you commonly have in Java frameworks, such as JSF, Spring, and so on. I have already used Flask and Django and I have not seen a similar feature in both, so I have to attribute attri...
asked by 27.04.2017 / 00:59

Binding a List in Code-Behind? Silverlight

Would anyone know how I can bind a generic list in the Behind code? I had to create my Expanderview by code-behind and I have to do the binding of a property from my list for a Grid to update according to the color I set in ViewModel. Foll...
asked by 03.11.2016 / 18:43

CurrentItemChanged event of a BindingSource is not called when changing a subitem

I have a class like this: public class Foo { #region Construtor public Foo() { } #endregion #region Propriedades public virtual int? Id { get; set; } public virtual string Description { get; set; } public vir...
asked by 16.05.2016 / 14:24

How to call PHP services with multiple Binding

I need to connect PHP to a webservice .net that has multiple bindings and both with methods of the same name. SoapClient is always calling the first one even when Action and location have been set explicitly. $options = array(...
asked by 18.02.2016 / 11:02