Questions tagged as 'azure-tables'


Is it possible to call the ExecuteQuery method asynchronously?

Is it possible to execute the ExecuteQuery method asynchronously? Consider the following code: public virtual MyEntity MyMethod(string parm1, string parm2) { string queryString = TableQuery.CombineFilters(TableQuery.GenerateFilte...
asked by 31.01.2014 / 18:57

Convert string to date in SparkR - Databricks

Speak up, all right? I am trying a dataframe in the prophet algorithm in my work, so in Rstudio I used the following code to convert the "Data" data that is as string to Date, because the algorithm needs this format to make its predictions. p...
asked by 10.12.2018 / 20:44

___ ___ erkimt Message "Invalid object name 'dbo.table' SQL Server Go Lang ______ qstntxt ___

I'm trying to use a select in my SQL Server Database that I own in Azure.

I'm using the Driver: link .

However, I get a message back:


mssql: Invalid object name 'dbo.table'.

Below my code, where am I wrong?




C: \ Go \ bin \ go.exe run B: \ go \ gocode \ src \ main \ connect-bd.go
  2017/02/25 15:59:33 Main:
  2017/02/25 15:59:33 Opening
  2017/02/25 15:59:33 Opened
  2017/02/25 15:59:33 Pinging
  2017/02/25 15:59:33 Pinged
  2017/02/25 15:59:33 mssql: Invalid object name 'dbo.tbPessoa'.
  exit status 1


In my connect string, I was missing out on which bank to use %code%

Done this connected in a good!

Without this information Select was being done in the default SQL master database.

It looks like this:


I'm trying to use a select in my SQL Server Database that I own in Azure. I'm using the Driver: link . However, I get a message back:    mssql: Invalid object name 'dbo.table'. Below my code, where am I wrong? package main impor...
asked by 25.02.2017 / 20:18

ASP.NET Web API post byte []

I'm creating a Web API and my model has a byte[] property, however whenever I try to Post my model arrives null, taking the byte[] property it normally arrives at the model . [Table("Pessoas")] public class Pessoa : ITab...
asked by 13.05.2017 / 22:00

How to insert Message from visual studio C # to Queue no Azure?

To insert message into the queue I ran this code which seems to be correct and yet it still does not work I do not know why the error it gives (in the addmessage part is 404 not found and from what I saw on the net the connections seem be well d...
asked by 01.08.2018 / 00:36