Questions tagged as 'async'


ProgressRing is not shown

I need to show progressring while running a task, but it does not appear and the screen is frozen until it runs. private async void btn_Criar_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { pgr_Carregando.IsActive = true;...
asked by 06.06.2018 / 20:10

Async request problem with variables

The problem is with variables why the async function is executing after variable assignment. what can I do for the execute function and wait for it to finish to get the value of the variable? var request = require('request'); funct...
asked by 26.03.2018 / 20:26

AngularJS 1.6 with asynchronous content loading of the jQuery Steps plugin

I have a problem that after loading HTML content dynamically asynchronously with the jQuery Steps plugin: / p> <section data-mode="async" data-url="test.html"></section> AngularJS does not detect the content and thus al...
asked by 25.03.2017 / 01:24

Return of promise

Considering the example below: function retornaValor (){ return promiseQueveioDeAlgumaLib.then( function(oQueQueroRetornar){ return { sucesso: true, data : oQueQueroRetornar } }, function(opsAlgoErrado...
asked by 16.12.2016 / 19:48

C # Stream.BeginSend

As you can see in the link below, the StreamReceiver method uses the BeginRead method to read asynchronously, since in the SendData method no asynchronous writing is used, what is the logic of reading asynchronously and writing synchronously?...
asked by 08.06.2014 / 19:59

Async function returning before result

I have this function in JS, using Forge library, for key pair generation. The problem is that when trying to use the async function to perform the generation, the function is returning before generating the result. function generateKeys(keySiz...
asked by 12.11.2018 / 16:58

I am trying to use an asynchronous function in python-3, but this is giving error

Error: Warning (from warnings module): File "C:\Users\tiago.pereira\Desktop\python\kivy\", line 43 pythoncom.PumpMessages() RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'Keyboard' was never awaited TypeError: an integer is required (got type...
asked by 19.11.2018 / 11:46

How to use async / await in methods that return void?

I have a problem with my application, where due to the large volume of processing, my Form hangs. During my research I discovered that a async method solves this, but the functions executed on my "execute" button return void, so I...
asked by 09.08.2018 / 18:21

Use await with object that implements the __await__

From Python 3.5 was entered async/await I'm implementing some objects that are waiting but I'm encountering doubts follow an example: #!usr/bin/python3 # -*...
asked by 14.08.2018 / 08:10

JavaScript Semaphores

How can I create semaphores in JavaScript? I have an asynchronous script that runs n times, I would like it when the n tasks terminate another task to be executed. I used normal access to a variable but this can cause race condition. Promise...
asked by 23.06.2017 / 15:21