Questions tagged as ''


How to make skins in ASP.NET MVC

How would skins in MVC? where the client (user) could choose the skin (would change CSS, html, images, etc)? OBS¹: Skin would be for all pages and each client can only have 1 single skin. But I would have about 10 different skins. These ski...
asked by 06.05.2016 / 19:07

Update on 2mil records Customers how to do a single update instead of 2k separately

I have a Client Model and need to update on EnviadoEmailCobranca para 0 I'm doing this: var clientes = db.Clientes.Where(w => w.Status == 4); foreach (var item in clientes) { item.EnviadoEmailCobranca = false;...
asked by 10.03.2016 / 16:14

List all Roles in CheckBox and mark the roles that the User has

I am creating a User Management System in MVC 4 with two Simple Tables. Users and Roles. I can create the users normally by selecting the Roles that they will have. At Edit time I'm trying to list all the Roles in CheckBox and c...
asked by 19.02.2014 / 16:25

How to put a @ inside {} in MVC

When doing a page in MVC5 with Razor, I put the following code {--conteúdo da @ RenderBody() etc, etc } Generated an error because @ is inside braces ERROR: Server Error in '/' Application. Parser Error Description: An error occu...
asked by 30.04.2014 / 20:41

Asp.Net MVC authentication using FormsAuthentication

I'm implementing authentication in my ASP.NET MVC application. I am using FormsAuthentication for this authentication of each user and for each logged in user 5 sessions are assigned (Name, CodSetor, FolderPad, Status and CodPerfil). Au...
asked by 03.07.2016 / 15:56

How to save formatted text in the database

I'm using TinyMCE for text editing on my site. However, I'm doubtful to save the formatted text in the database and then display it the way the user typed. (paragraphs, font color, etc.). Is there any way to do this? I am using mvc with...
asked by 02.12.2014 / 00:34

Several tables that should represent a single entity

I'm updating a system that has eleven tables that represent a single entity, I believe by implementation error, as shown below: Entidade: Foo Tabela Foo1 - Campo1, Campo2, Campo3 Tabela Foo2 - Campo1, Campo2, Campo3 Tabela Foo3 - Campo1, Camp...
asked by 13.02.2015 / 13:13

IF issues in javascript

I'm a beginner in Asp.Net MVC, and I'm developing an application that manages Courses and in my sign up screen I'm trying to validation javascript that if the student is already enrolled in a course and he tries to enroll again in...
asked by 29.06.2015 / 18:34

Controller returning partial view in a modal

I have a button on my screen that held call to a method in my controller (Ajax) that returns a partialView by default. $("#btn-Visualizar-Rotina").click(function() { var codUnimetPcp = '@Model.UnidadeMetalica.COD_UNIMET_PCP';...
asked by 28.07.2016 / 22:21

Why use the using block in ASP.NET MVC?

Does the using {} block work in the same way in both web and desktop applications in the sense that when we use it in controller ? It is a good practice to declare it in actions that there is contact with database Follow exam...
asked by 21.10.2015 / 18:09