Questions tagged as ''


C # - EF Core questions to create relational model

I'm starting in Asp Net Core and I have the following question: I have a Curso template and a Unidade template, a course has multiple units, and that unit can belong to more than one course. I did the individual Course and Un...
asked by 04.09.2018 / 20:29

Control time to return the timeout

See the scenario: I have a procedure that running right through SQL takes about 50 seconds to return the data. However, when this same procedure is executed via the system, from timeout in 15s. My question is, would it be possib...
asked by 20.06.2018 / 19:09

Use ILogger with .Net Core 2

I am studying .Net Core 2 and I have a question. I am trying to get error in my Repository layer and only saw example in Controller. Any specific reason for this? Here are my codes: appsettings.json { "ConnectionStrings": { "Defaul...
asked by 27.05.2018 / 02:02

What is the purpose of ConcurrencyStamp and SecurityStamp in ASP.NET Identity?

The summary of both properties in the entity IdentityUser are in English: ConcurrencyStamp: A random value that should change whenever the user is persisted to the store. Translating would be something more or less like this:...
asked by 13.05.2018 / 07:14

How to use NPM and Yarn in ASP.Net Core?

I am having difficulty using Yarn / NPM in ASP.Net Core. I'm installing packages as follows: (Example installing JQuery) Yarn: yarn add jquery NPM: npm install jquery Everything happens normally, the problem is that th...
asked by 11.02.2018 / 04:27

Write the user's Session / Cookie when signing in

In WEB applications, usually in the Login screen you have the Remind me option, this application will save the user data once it has checked the option. So when the user re-enters the site, instead of going to the Login screen, he will go...
asked by 31.01.2018 / 11:54

Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors equivalent command in core?

Is there a way to return an error in net asp only for a particular action without using the custom errors page? I used Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors=true; but in ASP.Net Core it does not exist anymore.     
asked by 14.03.2018 / 04:47

Error while validating homepage after login / password

I have an access validation (Login / Password) that if true, should return to homepage, however I return the following error:    InvalidOperationException: RenderBody invocation in '/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml' is invalid. RenderBody can onl...
asked by 19.01.2018 / 20:34

How to instantiate a part of a class with EntityFramework to work with CRUD only on that data

I'm creating a web-based solution in the SinglePageAplication (SPA) type made with AspNetCore and I use the Entity Framework to make my CRUD in the SQL Server database. I am sure that the Entity Framework allows me to do the updates of only what...
asked by 28.11.2017 / 12:17

Receiving images in ASP.Net Core and saving in the Entity Framework

Good afternoon, Can anyone tell me how to get an image in ASP.Net Core? I have the html page that you are trying to send to the server: <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" asp-controller="Produto" asp-action="ImageLoad"&...
asked by 05.12.2017 / 17:27