Questions tagged as 'apk'


Reduce the size of an APK file

Is it possible to reduce the size of an APK file by changing the way it is compressed? It is well known that an APK file is just a signed, aligned ZIP file. However, I have run some tests, and if the contents of an APK file is extracted, and...
asked by 12.09.2014 / 19:59

Android studio generating two applications the same way

I developed an apk, but from the end of the project to here he was always emulating two identical applications on my cell phone, same functions, icons. The difference from one to the other is that one has the splash and the other does not. Then...
asked by 30.05.2016 / 17:20

How to send / encapsulate a file in an .apk to use in the app installation?

I have an .xls file that I would like to encapsulate next to the apk so that at the time of installing the app it uses that file to populate a database. How to do?     
asked by 24.04.2014 / 21:51

Including in the APK an SQLite database

Is it possible to include the application database in the APK installation? I already have all the necessary records for the operation of the application and would like to include it during the installation.     
asked by 24.11.2014 / 22:39

How do I export an .apk android in Android Studio?

Whenever I export the application google gives this message: EventhoughI'mchangingAndroidManifest.xml:android:versionCode="2" android:versionName="1.0.2" Procedure I'm doing: I'm exporting right?     
asked by 05.09.2014 / 13:32

Should Android support libraries be compiled together in APK?

I'm developing an Android app, which uses two libraries that Google makes available. appcompat-v7 is used to have action bar on devices with version 2.3 or lower, since it was only added in version 3, and google-play-services...
asked by 22.04.2014 / 05:31

Images not used in the android studio project are included in APK?

I'm usually not satisfied with the first image I put as background , be it activity, textView , button , etc. Even imageViews anyway. It happens that I leave them there in the project, not even using them, with the thought that at some p...
asked by 11.02.2017 / 20:21

How do I publish a specific APK for Android versions above $ API?

I have an app in the Play Store that uses the Crosswalk plugin. However, for Android versions of 5.0 upwards, I want to be able to make a build without the plugin of Crosswalk. Just getting the versions below 5.0 with the build that includ...
asked by 14.10.2016 / 03:57

Download files by link (url) Android

How can I download a .apk file from my server and open it as soon as it finishes downloading? I know I have no code showing what I've done or tried, but it's because I'm truly lost and I do not know where to start. I have webservice...
asked by 24.05.2016 / 21:31

How do I get the apk of my IONIC application

Following the documentation , there should be two simple commands: To include the platform: ionic platform ios android To compile: ionic build android However, I'm getting a lot of red error in the terminal, as shown bel...
asked by 05.11.2015 / 13:22