Questions tagged as 'apache-cordova'


Phonegap + Cordova + sqlite

I have a problem with a misc. bank file. I created a .db file with all the columns and contents and compiled it along with the apk. The last change I made in the bank after performing a new build is giving error saying that my table does not...
asked by 10.12.2015 / 19:02

Help with QR Code reader in Cordova

I'm trying to make the app (cordova + onsen) read a QR code and when reading open the link contained in the QR, but instead of opening the link it tries to open a page in the root of the application (file: // android_asset / www / barcode.result...
asked by 13.11.2015 / 01:31

How to use a Cordova plugin?

How to use plugins in Cordova? Cordova plugin background mode I already installed with the command cordova plugin add' porém ao tentar usar usando 'cordova.plugins.backgroundM...
asked by 31.10.2015 / 00:49

Error with "cordova run android"

I'm getting an error while entering the command: "cordova run android" NOTE: Remember that I've already set the path to sdk: export PATH=$PATH:/home/giovanni/android/sdk/tools:/home/giovanni/android/sdk/platform-tools:/home/giovanni/android...
asked by 22.04.2016 / 14:47

Ion-footer-bar on the ion-list?

I'm creating an endless list in the ionic . I have ion-footer-bar in the index and after that list bring all information from the Webservice in the last record ion-footer-bar is over the registry. I'm trying to use $scope.$broa...
asked by 22.12.2015 / 01:09

Adding Admob to Ionic?

I'm trying to put monetization in my ionic app. Searching, I found some examples but I'm not getting it to work. The banner simply does not appear. Follow this example , which is quite simple, but I can not get it to work, the banner does no...
asked by 15.12.2015 / 17:22

Ionic's Apk does not work. White screen

Good morning, I've created an application on Ionic, it works perfectly when I use ionic serve The ionic can generate the Build without any error, however after installing the apk appears only the header and then a white screen. Has anyone e...
asked by 03.09.2015 / 08:20

Open numeric keypad automatically

I have a page with a numeric input with autofocus: <input type="number" placeholder="Informe" ng-model='leitura.leituraatual' required="true" autofocus="true"> The problem is that the keyboard appears in Text mode instead of numeric m...
asked by 08.09.2015 / 22:45

Error Cordova / Phonegap - Unable to start the daemon process

I created a new cordova project and I added the android platform normally as I had done before, but when I run the command cordova build or cordova run it can not find the solution. Does anyone know what I should do?     
asked by 02.10.2015 / 19:48

Pass extra parameters via gcm (google cloud message) - Cordova

When I send a notification to gcm , I added a parameter in the url called 'appUrl'. And when I open my Cordova app, I need to pass this parameter to index.html so that I can redirect my application to your devitor instead. Howeve...
asked by 26.06.2015 / 04:30