I'm trying to get an object from a Controller from an event in a directive, the controller's method call is already correct, but it seems like $scope within this method is wrong , since if $scope.file.data from the call of the even...
Good afternoon
I need to pass data via post using angularjs to an api php data appear in the controller but not in api PHP.
if( isset($_REQUEST['mes']) ) {
$mes = $_REQUEST['mes'];
} else {
$mes = date('m');
In the controller I...
How can I order the display of an array of Json objects in Angular, ng-repeat ? orderBy ? json has no id to do this sort order, I would like to be able to sort it by "last added" string.
I have a problem with my application.
It will be all angular, but I need to know how I can change the path of my javascript according to my environment.
If I'm developing in the dev environment it will use style.css ,...
Using ASP.Net MVC and AngularJS I tested the contents of a view field like this:
$scope.estado.ldRedeBasica = @(Model.ldRedeBasica == null ? "[]" : Html.Raw(Model.ldRedeBasica));
Only returned the following error:
Compiler Error Me...
I'm creating an application that uses angularJS and I'm new to this library. My problem is that when I see the way it does $router I understand that there is some way I can also route other angular elements like controllers, services, fac...
Is there any function or way of getting javascript / angularjs to communicate with linux?
For example:
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="lib/bootstrap/...
I started a Rest application and I have a createPost java class
public static String createPost(@FormParam("loopID") String loopID) throws IOException {