Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


How to use UTF8 in JSON with PHP?

I am doing a query in a sqlserver database with PHP / PDO then return a JSON to search in Angular JS. $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $json = json_encode($result); print $json; However, the values it contains, for example:...
asked by 02.06.2016 / 18:02

Problems with the use of the ui-route AngularJs

I'm using SPA I use AngularJS and UI-ROUTE I want to click on a menu item to write the selected item in a bar that is in the header and not in the ui-view. I can assign the value to a $ scope variable in the controller, but there is no markup...
asked by 21.06.2016 / 18:15

Is it possible to have the javascript wait for an async given android?

Imagine this scenario: I have an application developed in angularjs that runs in some environments such as proprietary hardware and computers. We are currently adding our software to the android platform and are having some issues. Our applic...
asked by 31.05.2016 / 16:52

How to get away with the Parallax effect with angular?

How can I get rid of the parallax action when it has an attribute? is the tag that has the attribute: <parallax-image ng-class="{{fixo}}" src="/parallax-image/assets/images/image-01.jpg"></parallax-image> This is the css tha...
asked by 23.05.2016 / 16:14

How to do two views in a view with angularJS?

I have a chat app and the problem I'm having is the following: When sending a message, it takes a while to be sent and appears on the screen, because it goes to a database, via backend in php that I did, and then back through another php that se...
asked by 16.05.2016 / 21:25

Variable index of Angular

asked by 07.06.2016 / 15:39

How to finalize a loading screen after executing promisses in the Angular?

Good morning. I have a question, I have a controller that searches for some data from a webservice rest, and persists them in the database of the device (ionic), to search the data, I'm using 'promises'.   When you start the search I open a...
asked by 07.06.2016 / 16:25

Get Ip and HostName of visitors filling in contact form

Good afternoon, gentlemen. I have a web application in mvc + angularjs that has a contact form. I would like to know what the user ip and hostname of him that is filling this information, I can do this in javascrip or     
asked by 07.05.2016 / 22:24

Error in function cordova and AngularJS

Below is the code I'm using. It is the standard example of the Cordova connection checking function. <script> angular.module("contato", []); angular.module("contato").controller("contatoCtrl", function($scope){...
asked by 07.05.2016 / 14:56

Click option on select and other fields appear

I'm trying to do something like the picture below: link How do I for fields that are in ICMS and ICMS ST with ng-if only appear after clicking the option 10 - Tributada com Cobrança de ICMS por ST ? It turns out that currently...
asked by 06.05.2016 / 22:51