Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Angular request does not send post

Good evening !! next ... I'm making asynchronous requests with angularjs and it works if I use get and params, but if I change to "post" and "date" it stops sending ... I'll post here the controller and the page that receives the data: app.con...
asked by 16.08.2017 / 00:18

how to edit an array in angular

Hello, I'm new to js and angular and I'm trying to edit an array where I keep tasks to be developed. I have the following functions to add and delete the elements, but I can not think of a way to edit my tasks after being registered. I have t...
asked by 10.08.2017 / 18:00

AngularJS issues with view routing

I'm developing a web application with AngularJS 1.6, and I'm encountering an error only when I open index.html right from the page. However, when running directly from the IDE it works normally. Here is the error print: Index.htmlcode:<bodyn...
asked by 13.08.2017 / 23:40

How to pass data from one table to another with checkbox?

Hello everyone. I am new to web programming and am currently studying some concepts of Angular. My problem is this: pass the selected items from one table, per checkbox, to another table. can anybody help me? Many thanks!     
asked by 13.08.2017 / 20:56

Problem getting user data on location ApplicationStorage

I would like to implement a menu "my account" in my project, this menu should show user data such as name, email etc, I am using jwt and the logged user data can be obtained in LocalStorage in this format: {"id":"598a8bc8b9dd44250819a7c4","name...
asked by 12.08.2017 / 23:06

Routes - AngularJS

I'm using angularjs 1.6 routes and I'm having problems with the java connection filter part. When I log in to my system and access a page from my system, the filter works normally, but when I open another page without refreshing the page, th...
asked by 09.08.2017 / 04:10

How to stop the text cursor from going to the end using $ scope. $ watch? Angularjs

How do I stop the text cursor from jumping on the last line of a textarea ? //textarea $watch $scope.$watch('string', function(s){ var string = s.split('\n'); if(string.length > 0) { var newElements = []; for (...
asked by 08.08.2017 / 21:02

Get logged in user data - Angularjs

I need to get the user logged in data, because some screens, only users with administrator permission will have access. How do I save session data with AngularJS? I'm using Java in the backend.     
asked by 10.08.2017 / 02:50

AngularJS ng-click called twice

I'm using ng-click to make a common javascript call. However it is being called / triggered twice when I click on the call. My policy: angular.module('myApp.directives').directive('cadastrarPost', cadastrarPost); cadastrarPost.$inje...
asked by 07.08.2017 / 19:10

Validation does not work with ng-model

Why does not this validation work? When I was just $scope.exibeValidacaoTarefa = function(){ return $scope.atividadeInput == null || $scope.atividadeInput.descAtividade == null || $scope.atividadeInput.descAtivi...
asked by 02.08.2017 / 17:55