Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


How do I put a function inside ng-bind-html?

I gave a simpler example to my problem: Inside my controller looks like this: $rootScope.myAction = function(){ alert('Olá mundo!'); } $scope.setAction = function() { var comp = $compile('<button ng-click="myAction()">Teste&l...
asked by 19.09.2018 / 18:04

How to put a ui-accordion with another ui-accordion inside?

How do I uniquely identify the ui-accordion , the script is not loading? Javascript: $( function() { $("#accordion_search_item1,#accordion_search_item2,#accordion_search_item3") .accordion({ collapsible:true, hea...
asked by 18.09.2018 / 21:29

AngularJS - Angular-Charts Problem

First, good evening. I'm having trouble displaying the graphics generated by angular-charts. library page: link I followed the step-by-step carefully, I saw and reviewed all the code that I typed, I can not identify any problems. I looke...
asked by 14.08.2018 / 00:39

How to treat an array with N rows and transform to a list to send to C #

I'm sending an array of the angular js to the controller of C # , and I'm handling it with stringfy for json in>. In my method POST it does not receive anything, it simply returns null C # code public void Post(st...
asked by 10.08.2018 / 18:34

Rename files in a folder in a sequential way - JavaScript

How would you be able to rename files of the same format but with different names (for example: Images) to a sequential pattern? Example: From titulo-capa.jpg | foto-perfil.jpg | background.jpg To imagem01.jpg | imagem02.jpg | i...
asked by 08.08.2018 / 19:31

Javascript IF return content

Good morning everyone, I have a certain problem, if it was in pure Javascript I would have done using if and else without problems, as I did in another file and it worked! Basically the HTML file (with AngularJS): <d...
asked by 30.08.2018 / 14:26

Search filter combobox AngularJS

I have SELECT multiple with the options for query, but when I select an item does not return anything, if someone can give a force I thank. /* Retorna operadoras */ $scope.operadoras = [{ nome: "CLARO" }, { n...
asked by 31.07.2018 / 23:17

Calling functions in ngClass

I would like to call functions in ngClass. I can only call the function, and if I want to call other classes it does not catch, its just put the function in the class it can call (ng-class="styleClass (5)"), but I want some classes always and ot...
asked by 30.07.2018 / 20:20

PDF empty when downloading using Spring Boot and AngularJS

I'm creating an application where I need to return a PDF via an API call developed in Spring Boot through AngularJS, my code looks like the one below: API Return: ResponseEntity.ok() .headers(result.getHttpHeaders()) .body(n...
asked by 16.07.2018 / 22:09

Angular2 TynyMCE Text editor

Someone can tell if there is any property that at the time of clicking the text editor I can issue some event. With (ngModelChange) I can type and do some action, so I need to be able to issue the action at the moment of clicking.     
asked by 11.07.2018 / 15:09