Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Popular a table with form data in angularjs

I am learning angular.js and am having difficulty with the following code var myapp = angular.module("myapp", []) myapp.controller('controller', function reset($scope){ $scope.reset = function(){ $scope.nome = " "; $scope.nota1 = "...
asked by 13.10.2015 / 15:23

How to change the color of the buttons when selecting an input radio?

I have this form WhenIdialthe"Accounts Payable" radio input, I need the buttons to turn red. I'm using AngularJS, so I used ng-if , but the code was pretty extensive. How could you do this in a simpler way?     
asked by 13.12.2016 / 10:20

JavaScript Initialization of Objects [closed]

I'm new to JavaScript, and I'm using a framework Restart written with AngularJs for HTTPS requests. I'm having a lot of trouble initializing a literal object, with the following structure: $scope.niveisDeAcesso = [ {nivel:"LISTAR", selec...
asked by 29.07.2014 / 03:37

Geolocation with Mobile Data

Well, I'm trying to make a project to be used in SmartPhones, specifically in Android, but not developed in Android! I'm just using HTML5 and CSS, all responsive, and I want a functionality that just worked in Angular (I think) What I...
asked by 08.02.2017 / 10:56

how do I clean fields with angular?

I want to be able to clear the fields after submitting and also apply the action at other times, for example when I click the "back" I used delete $scope.NomedaNgModel ; But it does not clean     
asked by 14.07.2017 / 16:08

Integrating HTML + Node.js with Angular.js in "Real Time"

I have some issues with automatically updating a code in Angular.js inside my site. The integration is Node.js with HTML, integrating with Angular.js. However I have to always give F5 on the page so it updates the variable "Temperature". I would...
asked by 03.10.2016 / 21:04

"Can not read property" after an http.get request

Hello, how are you? I have the following problem. I'm making a RESTful request (http.get) and I'm writing the received object into a variable within the $ scope. However, when I try to access this variable inside the controller I get the foll...
asked by 20.10.2016 / 04:48

Is there any way to validate an input in angular JS without using form?

I have input that I want to validate via AngularJS. But this input is not inside a form. So when trying to access the form's validation information, I was not successful: <div class="form-group"> <input name="nick" type="te...
asked by 11.08.2016 / 19:54

Select list option selected with AngularJs

I'm implementing a select list that has options the Brazilian states. I would like to return the selected value according to the return of a web service. For example, if the service returns RJ then RJ must be the option sel...
asked by 07.01.2015 / 15:45

AngularJS on "Big" project

I read through the literature that AngularJS is made for single page . And if I use the same for a larger application, with several screens. What would be the negative impacts of using AngularJS? And if I wanted these impacts not to be gener...
asked by 16.12.2016 / 15:54