Questions tagged as 'android-recyclerview'


RecyclerView only lists data when it interacts with other components

I'm having trouble displaying the result of a query in the firebase in the RecyclerView, only displaying the result when I click inside the EditText component.     
asked by 03.10.2018 / 20:29

How to get data from a RecyclerView item by clicking on it

Good morning, personal. I'm populating a RecyclerView with data from a Firebase database. So far so good, it is displaying everything correctly. My question is how do I get the user id when I click on the item. I know how to do it if the id i...
asked by 11.10.2018 / 14:03

Using Firebase to store images and bring on Android screen

Well, I created a RecyclerView with CardView to show some photos that are stored in Firebase, but when I bring the photos to the screen it does not fit into the cardView so I left the image as android: layout_width="match_parent" android: layout_...
asked by 31.08.2018 / 14:36

How to hide my RecyclerView

I have an event in my adapter that controls the click in the recyclerview items. I would like to know which code I should add when clicking the item, recycler view is hidden @Override public void onBindViewHolder(final SearchViewHolder...
asked by 23.08.2018 / 23:45

Help with getDownloadUrl firebase

I have a project that records image and name of a product registration in firebase and I'm trying to load those images into a recyclerview, but stopped at getDownloadUrl. Since I am a beginner I have researched more without success.  If anyone c...
asked by 31.07.2018 / 04:52

Android RecyclerView cache

I have a recyrcleview on most devices worked fine, however on some devices in version 7, it gives a bugada, gets type with cache of the first elements. Does anyone have any ideas? example of normal running photo plus case is rolled it starts to...
asked by 11.07.2018 / 00:21

Delete recyclerView item from Adapter

I'm trying to apply a feature by clicking an icon inside a list of a RecyclerView. By clicking on the icon, I register the acceptance of the condition, if not accepted, the "whole item" should be excluded from the list. I'm trying to do this fro...
asked by 03.07.2018 / 19:42

How to program for the new Recycler View

I was following a programmer's guidelines, but I already have 1 year of it. How is the new methodology? It's a chat app and I'd like to call in my activity the profile picture of the person, along with her name and status .... Follow the code...
asked by 09.06.2018 / 05:25

Null object reference when listing data with FirebaseRecyclerAdapter

I'm trying to popular a RecyclerView with the FirebaseRecyclerAdapter. When the onBindViewHolder method is called to populate the layout through the ViewHolder class, the error is triggered: E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main...
asked by 31.05.2018 / 15:31

E / RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout on the hour access the main menu

To produce a shopping cart in my application I did a recyclerview on my main menu to demonstrate all the products that are in the database. I am trying to link the field known as "Category" to "CarCategoryID" but when trying to do this the appli...
asked by 30.05.2018 / 01:00