I program for Android with Xamarin on Visual Studio , but I do not short anything its design editor, how can I use only the Android Studio editor when I need it? I changed the design extension from .axml to ....
I'm using a LinearLayout with a ReciclerView and 3 buttons underneath it.
I'm doing this, but ReciclerView takes up the entire screen and the buttons do not appear.
<?xmlversion="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:androi...
I created a layout called with a "+" button at the end so I would like, by clicking the button, to add a new LinearLayout below the current layout with the same content, allowing the registration of more than one item without generating new scre...
Android there are so called " DPI ", which are densities per pixel . Each screen has its type of DPI such as:
layout [?]
layout-ldpi [240x320 & 240x400]
layout-mdpi [320x480 & 480x854]
I have a View in which I am programmatically defining its width and width in this way:
LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) linear.getLayoutParams();
params.height = 50;
params.width = 50;
I have a very basic question, how do I see the content that is below the ScrollView visible in the editor itself? Since content that exceeds the selected resolution does not appear?
How can I change the background of a Button by clicking on it? For example: I have shape01 and shape02 , for default the Button is with shape01 , when clicking it I need to change to shape02 , and click...
I have a ListView, and an adapter item layout that follows the basic image of it
I'm trying to make a datepicker part of the activity layout as shown below:
I've been looking for the internet, but all the examples I'm talking about datePickerDialog, and that's not what I wanted.
Any solution?
Hello, I would like to know how I could do to keep a still image and the information roll underneath it, with all of that inside a ScrollView, follows layout and XML print
<ScrollView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/...