Questions tagged as 'android-billing'


Shopping / Restore within the app on Android

I'm running an app that will have in-app purchases (hide advertising and new features), however I have some questions. The whole purchase process is already working, well hide the advertising and new features are available to the user however I...
asked by 23.09.2014 / 18:42

Subscriptions return the 'INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA' null using 'In-app Billing V3'

I'm implementing purchase of Signatures in an Android application. So far, payment orders are already set up in the Developer Google Play Console and I can debit the amount set in each of the SKUs on the credit card. At the end of this, I...
asked by 17.02.2014 / 16:12

How to implement the verifyDeveloperPayload method?

Does anyone know how I can implement this function when working with Google Billing? I saw that a token should be generated for license checking and avoiding fraud. But someone knows how to implement, why implement and the risks that run,...
asked by 01.08.2014 / 02:52

Buy Functionality in App (In Billing) [closed]

I would like to make my app have the option to buy functionality. Type I made two apps, one paid (full) and one free (with advertisement). I would like the person to click to buy remove the advertisement and add the activities related to t...
asked by 09.07.2017 / 22:51

Check for active signatures with Android App Billing

Hello, I'm implementing signatures in my app that will remove the ads. I have an activity that is doing the shopping and it's working. When the purchase is successfully completed I save a code in the shared preferences to let me know that the...
asked by 19.09.2017 / 00:43