Questions tagged as 'ajax'


Generate JSON data page in Jekyll

I wonder if there is any way to generate a page with data in JSON (false data) in the Jekyll . The intent is to simulate a AJAX request for this page by already preparing the code for when the platform-generated data comes from...
asked by 15.03.2016 / 20:05

Checking for PDO commit

I need to successfully save msg only when COMMIT is run without. The problem is with ajax return, do not donate. In my HTML when an error occurs, it returns the catch error and ok commit I need to start OK if the file is successfully ad...
asked by 15.03.2016 / 18:51

Send data to a controller via jquery with no return

I'm working on a project in Laravel. In a certain part I need to send data to a controller via jquery and from the data obtained in the controller, redirect to another view. How can I do this? I usually use Ajax, but with it I think there's no w...
asked by 07.04.2016 / 18:52

Insert with ajax and php

I'm trying to do an insert with ajax and I'm not getting it. I understood that to do this I need 3 files html javascript (ajax) php (bank) part 1 and 2 is ready and working 100% but part 3 seems to me that I have to reload everything...
asked by 07.03.2016 / 15:16

Popular a Chart.js with ajax.get

Speak, I have a question here in my project. I have a chart that looks like this: And I want it popular with the data of a webservice in PHP, which will return a JSON and in every button it clicks, I make a new request. Knowing that the me...
asked by 07.03.2016 / 21:56

Dropdown MVC

I would like to do two dropdowns in a view, I do not want to do these dropdowns through the model in the view because each dropdown is of a different class. I made the dropdowns with angular.js only because I could not get the values when sub...
asked by 23.02.2016 / 18:42

JSPDF create a pdf and attach to email

Hello, I'm having trouble generating an email with an attachment. The attachment is a PDF file generated by the JSPDF library. First I started by generating the pdf and calling the php script through ajax. var pdf = doc.output(); $.post(...
asked by 15.02.2016 / 13:46

ajax call-if the user is login

I started a new application in HTML5 and it Retrieves the database data by ajax I started with this code: it is an online scoring system and I would like to change it to retrieve the user_points column. For example, if the user is logged in I wa...
asked by 20.03.2016 / 23:33

Jquery datatable appears with the result of previous searches while filtering

I own a search page made in ASP.NET MVC that has data loaded into a table using AJAX and jQuery Template, so you do not need to reload the page after searching. Here's the example below: function CarregaTabela() { idFiltro = $("#idFilt...
asked by 06.04.2016 / 16:25

How to use AJAX in many layers?

I'm studying DDD I have an application with 4 layers being them Presentation Application Domain Infra In the presentation layer I search data via Ajax in the DB, but I have a question as to how to do it. Do I need to make ajax go th...
asked by 06.04.2016 / 20:41