Questions tagged as 'ajax'


Ajax Request on Forms

I made an ajax request to send data from a form to the server, the data is sent and stored perfectly. But when handling success creating the condition if the return return was the 200 or "OK" pattern would send a success message and if n...
asked by 30.05.2018 / 18:35

AJAX does not return anything from the database

I need to check if the data already exists in the database and only gives the warning if it already exists, otherwise nothing happens. Only onBlur is not working. PHP <input name="placa" id="placa" type="text" value="" pattern="[A...
asked by 28.05.2018 / 13:40

send request on first button click

I have to fill some combobox at the click of a button. When I click this button it first loads a modal and the second time I click it it creates the modal by loading the data I need by doing the ajax request. How do you send this request t...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 15:45

AJAX request error - I can not handle the return

I have the following AJAX request: function getJson(link) { var retorno; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: link, dataType: "json", async: false, success: function (data) { alert(dat...
asked by 26.05.2018 / 16:42

Query ajax reloading form Symfony 3

Good evening, I'm new here and I'm facing a problem with a legacy system. There is a function that is used in all system searches, the system uses symfony with sonata. This search is executed by ajax correctly but the problem is that it does a r...
asked by 18.05.2018 / 01:58

Questions about how to create a Change Event in a Combobox to update a PartialView

In my MVC project an Index view contains a block in which you open the PartialViews Edit Details and Delete in a Modal window. Everything works 100%, but I'm having a problem with the Event of my "PersonNature" Combobox that is not worki...
asked by 16.05.2018 / 23:58

Creating Bootstrap Paging Links Using Ajax

$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "php/crud.php", dataType: "json", data: {qtd_registros: 3, pagina: 1}, success:function(dados){ var paginacao = '<nav><ul class="pagination justify-content-cent...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 22:59

pass value to php variable

I have this code: var $login = $("input[name='usuario']"); var dadosajax = { 'cod': elemento.value, 'login': $login.val(), }; pageurl = 'salvar_dados_usuarios.php'; $.ajax({ //url da pagina url: pageurl, //parametros a p...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 20:23

How to capture radio input value of an object with ajax?

Good evening, My doubt and the next. I have a PHP code that creates card for each record that it brings from the bank. It's not getting and capturing the value of the radio that was selected. I can capture the value of only the first card, of th...
asked by 16.05.2018 / 00:06

Search without refresh by select

Good evening ... I would like to know how I search through a select and checkbox , as in the webmotors website ... I searched the internet but did not find anything like this ... Does anyone know something like this?     
asked by 21.05.2018 / 00:12