Questions tagged as 'ajax'


A single script for N forms

I need to know what the correct way for when I submit a form a single script to resolve, the code below only works for your self to create a script for each form. How do I resolve this? Example: $("#meuform") ... $("#meuform2")...
asked by 04.06.2014 / 02:42

How to get a json on Controller and pass to array object

I'm having the following problem, I need to get the filtered objects in the Controller to export to report. I'm sending json using Ajax, but I do not know if the object is being sent to Controller, I gave a console.log (response) and the followi...
asked by 17.10.2018 / 14:39

Display layout only when view is not loaded via ajax

In my project, I'm developing so that the application works even if the user is disabled or unavailable. If JavaScript is not available, I load the page normally. If it is available, I load some of these pages in modal so that the flow is...
asked by 14.03.2014 / 21:02

Ajax function to send list of items to a C # method in

I have a list of items in an ASP.NET page defined as: <ul id="lstProdutos"> <li id="produto" value="1">Banana</li> <li id="produto" value="2">Maçã</li> <li id="produto" value="3">Melão</li>...
asked by 16.04.2014 / 23:27

Search for texts in DB without '/ br'

I'm working on a CMS that does text editing already in the database, it works as follows: there is a series of inputs[type="radio"] each one of them is a project, and when one of them is clicked appear 4 textareas (via Ajax) with t...
asked by 16.10.2014 / 16:13

Validate CPF with date of birth

OntheR7siteintheemailsign-uppart,isavalidationmadeintheCPFnumberthatisrelatedtothedateofbirthhowtodosomethingsimilaronmyform? Itookalookatthecodebutit'sabitmessy link I need only the part that validates the 2 fields cpf + data_nasc validation...
asked by 25.09.2015 / 17:01

Return Json PHP to Ajax

Next I have a variable in client.php that prints: [{"CODIGO_CLIENTE":3,"CGC":"78.079.128\/0001-80","RAZAO":"Cliente 2","FANTASIA":"Cliente 2","TELEFONE1":"+99(99)9999-9999"}, {"CODIGO_CLIENTE":2,"CGC":"14.617.787\/0001-40","RAZAO":"Cl...
asked by 26.10.2016 / 13:25

How to retrieve sent data from a non-angular post requisition

I am making a post request to a php file that needs some data that is sent by the request. My question is how to retrieve this information being sent in the request My code for the request looks like this: //pego a descricao no compa input...
asked by 14.05.2015 / 20:54

Jquery.get () as asynchronous or synchronous?

I've seen the official documentation here and I do not see that the default value is asynchronous or synchronous, I see no example how to use both (in the second code below). I know this works: $.ajax({ url: url, async: false, data:...
asked by 10.07.2018 / 01:42

How to send my login and password via $ .ajax

Hello, I have a link where it opens a modal window (like an "alert") to enter the login and password. I'm using jQuery, the function $ .ajax {} to be more specific. I would like to know how to send my login and password in the header. What kind...
asked by 13.06.2014 / 00:31