Questions tagged as ''


How to do a select from a select using the Entity Framework

I'm developing a system in ASP.NET MVC that defaults to but I'm in need of a select over another select , and I do not know how to do this with Entity . The SQL code you would like to use is the following: select * from pedidos as...
asked by 06.02.2017 / 20:59

How do I update dataGridView when I click a button?

I'm using an interface where I have menustrip on the left and another form on the right, hence on menustrip has the options of novo (loads form nvCli ) and busca (loads form% ( nvConsCli ), it is nec...
asked by 04.07.2015 / 06:05

Generic Method of Finding, Using ADO.NET and Procedures

I'm looking for a solution from a generic repository for a DAL with a generic Find method, so there is no redundancy in my code. Using ADO.NET and Procedures. I found something on this link: Generic Subscription: List Selecionar(IEnum...
asked by 24.09.2014 / 00:59

Retrieve the ID of a DataTable within a GridView

I'm trying to rescue the ID from my client that is in GridView , but I'm using DataTable to fill GridView . DataTable public DataTable SelecionarDT() { objDAO = new ClienteDAO(); DataRow dr; DataTabl...
asked by 28.04.2014 / 17:00

How to put between inside a query in code?

I have the following query and would like to put in the Where clause the condition of being within a certain period. public static DataTable stCloseCaseAll(int schoolId, string dataInicial, string datafinal) { var sb = new StringBui...
asked by 15.05.2014 / 19:41

Run 2 querys or more

I would like to execute 2 queries in C # when the button is clicked, but I can only execute one. public static void excluireventos() { string connectionString = Conn.tank(); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connect...
asked by 15.11.2016 / 21:35

Save dataset C #

I'm looking for multiple database tables for Dataset through Stored Procedure on MySQL using MySQL Workbrenck, but at the time of saving only the first table is saved, my code: Stored Procedure: CREATE DEFINER='root'@'l...
asked by 23.11.2016 / 01:06

Query with parameter causing timeout

I have a query that when executed with ADO.NET takes less than a second to return your data. When adding parameters to this query, the return remains the same. However, when adding a parameter of type datetime , the query does no...
asked by 08.03.2016 / 15:05

DataSet with clausa where like '%' @parametro Visual Basic 2012

Hello, I am creating a form to generate a report using the ReportViwer control and I came across a problem, I have a DataSet created with the name of ClientD, I created a clause to filter the search (DataSet Configuration), at the end of the Dat...
asked by 01.04.2015 / 18:35

Why does the unreachable error detected in C # occur? [closed]

public Boolean LogarUsuario(string Pnome, string Psenha) { using (OleDbConnection conexao = new OleDbConnection(Conexao.stringConn)) { conexao.Open(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Usuario WHERE...
asked by 12.01.2016 / 16:58