Questions tagged as 'admob'


AdMob ad appears only once

Hello, can anyone help me with this problem? When I run my app in the emulator, the ad usually appears every time, but when I run on my phone the ad only appeared once and did not appear again. What can this be? I'm using the Gdx library for my...
asked by 24.06.2018 / 17:09

Banner Admob in fragments

Hello, fellow programmers. It's as follows, I have an application that has an activity, and contains multiple fragments. I instantiate a banner ad for each fragment. I wonder if I can use the same block id in all fragments, because when I used i...
asked by 23.05.2018 / 15:00

AdMob click count

I created a simple app using Android Studio and I already published it, I downloaded it to a friend's device to test how ads work. These ads in my app normally load a SMAT_BANNER in the app footer, but when I preview in AdMob they do not dispute...
asked by 13.03.2018 / 02:28

Do I need to add all the ads to the string.xml?

I already know that I should create a block for each actvity of my application that I want to display ads, but I do not know how to modify the string.xml (if any) after the first ad unit has already been added: string.xml ( sour...
asked by 23.08.2017 / 02:58

Close an activity and start another (Interstitial admob)

I have an Interstitial admob in an activity and when I press a button I put the following lines of code: botaoid.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { i...
asked by 21.03.2017 / 02:04

AdMob No ads appear

I did everything right: I linked the app with the firebase, but at the time of running the ad area it turns white. Now if I use the test unit id it works normally MainActivity Code AdView mAdView = (AdView) findViewById(;...
asked by 22.03.2017 / 03:26

Ionic 3 - error in Admob

My application has admob ads, when I put and did run it appeared that error: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ': app: processDebugGoogleServices'.    Please fix the version conflict e...
asked by 10.03.2018 / 14:23

Implement interstitial ads in App

Can someone explain me in a brief tutorial on how to implement Admob interstitial ads in my app that is a simple browser. The problem is that it is giving classes wrong, as I have no experience in java, I can not implement correctly. I need s...
asked by 09.11.2016 / 06:49

AdMob interstitial delay

I have a delay problem with some adMob interstitials, which can lead to undue clicks, until these days everything was fine, but I do not know why it started right away. My code follows the Google standard, I suspect that some advertisements...
asked by 05.11.2015 / 17:00

Capture URL using Admob code

I want to write to url of component BannerAd after doing Load, I realize that the component passes url to the device's default browser. The code is as follows: unit Unit1; interface uses System.SysUtils,...
asked by 18.01.2016 / 19:46