Questions tagged as 'adapter'


What is the Adapter standard?

What is and how the Adapter pattern works in Java, I am trying to understand this pattern because I will use the same in a project.     
asked by 10.09.2015 / 02:43

Differences between listeners and adapters in swing

When programming graphical interfaces in Java using swing , we are always faced with both types, mainly to assign and create events from button actions or other components. Although I've been working with swing for some time, I'v...
asked by 19.02.2016 / 22:49

Error to popular array, firebase, photo gallery ANDROID STUDIO

I've been searching for this error for three days and can not fix it. I'm putting together a photo gallery for my app and I need an Array with the photos coming from Firebase to show them in the gallery. This error occurs when clicking on the ga...
asked by 14.09.2018 / 14:49

Online image in Adapter

I have an adapter in my App, and I would like to take photos of my server to put on it instead of a saved photo in the root, I already tried several forms, already tried using the Picasso API but the most I could get was 1 photo for free. Ada...
asked by 24.06.2018 / 22:57

Clear a listview that is inflated with an inflater layout, Android C #

Well, I'm having the following problem, I used a inflater map to fill a listview with a adapter but I want to clear that adapter , since the products contained in the list do not change when I click another category of produc...
asked by 21.12.2018 / 17:15

GridView is not updated (Android)

I am creating an app that when it launches it executes an asynchronous task that makes a query to an api, when picking up the result it inserts in the adapter. I have tried it in several ways, but only the images appear when I select it in the s...
asked by 02.11.2016 / 20:42

null object reference [duplicate]

Logcat java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.view.View android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)' on a null object reference Adapter code @Override public View...
asked by 25.10.2018 / 01:23

How to load the image of a Url into an ImageView

rs = statement.executeQuery(query); List<Map<String, String>> data = null; data = new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>(); while({ Map<String, String> datanu...
asked by 17.09.2018 / 12:48

Android List View with Layout "Complex"

To this day, I did not need to use layouts that flee from the pattern of a list, for example. This time, I need to create a list view with a kind of header. For example: [{categorias: [{1, 2, produtos:[{1, 2}]}]}] In short, the header wou...
asked by 15.08.2018 / 20:03