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Why iteration of a list with anonymous object works with array but does not work with ListObject?

I tried the following iteration with C #: var objects = List<Object>{ new {Id = 2, Nome = "Wallace"}, new {Id = 4, Nome = "Cigano"} }; foreach (var user in objects) { Console.WriteLine ("Meu id é {0}"...
asked on 14.06.2016 / 20:45

Send data to server even if window is closed

I'm using the beforeunload event to try to send an ajax request to the server before the user leaves the page but it does not work very well. Is there a way to send a request that continues to run on the server even though the browser...
asked on 03.05.2017 / 15:21

How can I "delay" the initialization of a property?

There are situations when initializing the property can not be made in the declaration, its value is only known later. An example of this is that in Android, references to views of a layout can only be obtained after the setContentView...
asked on 08.08.2017 / 16:24

How, when and why to use "SecureString" in C #?

I once heard about the C # SecureString class and found it interesting, so I think it's interesting content that can yield good answers from more experienced professionals. Some questions to ask might be: Someone has worked with this cla...
asked on 09.11.2016 / 18:06

How do you know if the sum of two double's will give greater than the limit of a double?

Is there any way to know if a sum between two values in the format double will exceed the limit of the variable double ? Example with integer: 2147483648 + 1. In this case it goes beyond the limit of an integer, I do not know if...
asked on 19.10.2016 / 10:40

How to remove the "4 980 Raphael" space between numbers only

I have a String "980 Rafael" and I would like to know how I will remove only the spaces that are between the numbers in shell script.     
asked on 14.03.2017 / 12:46

No sass what's the difference between a mixin and a placeholder?

Both have the same end result, but I do not know which one is the right one or the one that has the best performance example: %borda($circunferencia: 10px) { -webkit-border-radius: $circunferencia; border-radius: $circunferencia; } @mixi...
asked on 24.03.2017 / 15:37

Is there a C interpreter?

Everyone knows that C is a compiled language. Some know that in theory any language can be interpreted, unless it has some specification to prevent. Are there C interpreters? Do they serve for anything? And C ++?     
asked on 25.01.2017 / 11:52

What is the difference between "this" and "$ scope"?

No AngularJS we use $scope to share information between domains of a controller . There is also the Controller as syntax that allows us to use this for the same purpose. With $scope : function MeuCo...
asked on 02.06.2017 / 14:28

Limit and Offset for web paging in SQL Server

I'm working with PHP and I have about 8000 records currently in DB. As it is for a web page, I need to make a pagination to be viable reading the data. As I understand it, I have to do something similar to limit and offset to...
asked on 28.11.2016 / 13:35