I need to do two authentications, one for other clients for admins, so I have to have two instances of auth; how to do this in Laravel, where do I have a client table and another admin table?
In Python, there are two statements that are used to reference variables external to the local scope: global and nonlocal .
What's the difference between the two statements?
When to use each?
In C, there is the practice of applying the modifier "const" to function parameters when the function is not intended to change the parameter. As in this code:
char process_string(const char *str);
Because in other languages there is no suc...
In the two ways below, which one performs better?
For :
for( $x=1; $x < 31; $x++ )
echo $x . PHP_EOL;
Foreach + range :
foreach( range(1,30) as $x )
echo $x . PHP_EOL;
I know the difference will proba...
I was taking a look at the PHP Manual on the variables . There I found a snippet of code that left me with the "back foot".
$täyte = 'mansikka'; // válido; 'ä' é um caracter ASCII (extendido) 228
I always see in php beginner tutorials t...
I need a help here, I want to make a timer with JFrame but I can not get it to repeat until I get to zero, and if I leave setRepeats to true I can not make it stop when it reaches zero
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt....
I want to get all the pilots who have never performed flights on route 12345, already experimented with NOT IN and thus:
SELECT pl.id
FROM Piloto pl,
Voo v, Rota r
WHERE pl.id = v.id_comandante
AND pl.id = v.id_c...
I have a class that has an attribute of type Set, because I want repeated values to be ignored, however I need to return this in List form to fill in a ListView , so what is the best way to implement this feature?