Create graph with Chartjs inside the controller of another js file


I'm trying to solve a problem with my web page. Here is some information about it:

  • The page is to generate graphs in different models (area, line, bar);
  • The user, from a select choose which type of graph to create (area, line, bar);
  • Data for graph generation is in an external json file. But each user has their json file with data different from each other;
  • I currently do the graphics with MorrisJs , but because of some limitations I'm trying to migrate to ChartJs .
  • With Morrisjs it was like this:
  • app.controller('GraphCtrl', function ($scope) {
    $scope.changeGraph = function () {
    $scope.init = function (type) {
        $.getJSON('/data/data4.json', function (json) {
                pointSize: 2,
                element: 'graphs',
                data: json,
                xkey: 'y',
                ykeys: ['a','b','c', 'd', 'e'],
                ymax: 345,
                gridTextColor: ['black'],
                gridTextSize: 14,
                //legendTextSize: [50],
                //legend: { fontSize: [30]},
                //legend:{fontSize: 20},
                labels: ['CPU (% utilização)', 'Memória (% utilização)', 'Power (W)', 'CPU Temp0 (ºC)', 'CPU Temp1 (ºC)']
        }); }  });

    What I'm trying to do to use chartjs looks like this:

    $scope.init = function (type) {
        $.getJSON('/data/data4.json', function (json) {
           var ctx = document.getElementById(["graphs"]).GetContext("2d");
           var graphs = new Chart(ctx)[type](data, options); }); }  });

    But I think there's something wrong, because it's not working. I am now learning to work with web programming. If someone can help me thank you

    asked by anonymous 05.09.2017 / 16:55

    1 answer


    I've been researching here and I think it would look like this:

    $scope.init = function (type) {
            $.getJSON('/data/data4.json', function (json) {
                var ctx = document.getElementById(['graphs']);
                var drawgraphs = new Chart(ctx, {
                type: [type],
                data: {
                    labels: ["Red", "Green", "Purple", "Orange", "Blue"],
                    datasets: [{
                        label: ['CPU (% utilização)', 'Memória (% utilização)', 'Power (W)', 'CPU Temp0 (ºC)', 'CPU Temp1 (ºC)'],
                        data: json,
                        backgroundColor: [ 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
                                           'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
                                           'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
                                           'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
                                           'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)'],
                        borderColor: [ 'rgba(255,99,132,1)',
                                       'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
                                       'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
                                       'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
                                       'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)'],
                        borderWidth: 1
                options: {
                    scales: {
                        yAxes: [{
                            ticks: {

    My json file looks like this:

    [{"y": "17-07-27 00:00:00.00", "a": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "c": 176, "d": 23.00, "e": 24.00}, {"y": "17-07-27 00:00:01.50", "a": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "c": 204, "d": 23.00, "e": 24.00}, {"y": "17-07-27 00:00:02.13", "a": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "c": 204, "d": 24.00, "e": 25.00}, {"y": "17-07-27 00:00:02.82", "a": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "c": 204, "d": 24.00, "e": 25.00},{"y": "17-07-27 00:00:03.46", "a": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "c": 204, "d": 24.00, "e": 25.00}];

    does not display any errors, but does not draw graph

    06.09.2017 / 15:57