how to orient image using intervation image [closed]


I need something to orient the image correctly and then to appear. I'm using laravel and image intervation


$img = Image::make("{{$file->caminho}}{{$file->nome}}")-orientate(); 

<img src="{{ $img }}"/>

But I can not

asked by anonymous 27.08.2017 / 20:25

2 answers


For those of you who want to use image intervation and target photos, do the following

create a link to the image, in my case I'm passing the ID.


a href="user / previewLarge / {{$ file-"> id}}" >

create the route:

   get ('user / preview / {fileId}', '' '' '' files.preview ',' uses '= &' 'FilesController @ preview' auth ');

create the controller

public function preview ($ fileId) {

    $file = \App\Files::find($fileId);

    $finalPath = $file->caminho.'/'.$file->nome;

     $mime = mime_content_type($finalPath); //pega o tipo do arquivo e se for jpeg, fará o processo de orientação.

        if($mime == "image/jpeg")

              return $image = Image::make($finalPath)
                    ->resize(150, 200)

              return $image = Image::make($finalPath)->encode('data-url',0)->response();



With me it worked, thank you all!

02.09.2017 / 03:21

You're trying to use syntax blade within php , and you do not need > to access a property or method.

     $img = Image::make($file->caminho . $file->nome)->orientate();
27.08.2017 / 20:32