I have a Socket class that is working normally this way:
class Socket():
__ffChatSocket = ""
__meuTelefone = ""
__WhatsappAPI = ""
__dest = ()
def __init__(self, telefone, WhatsappAPI):
ip = str(self.getFileConfigFF('infoserver','ip'))
port = int(self.getFileConfigFF('infoserver','port'))
self.__dest = (ip, port)
self.__meuTelefone = telefone
self.__WhatsappAPI = WhatsappAPI
def socketConnect(self):
self.__ffChatSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.__ffChatSocket.connect(("", 4321)))
self.__ffChatSocket.send(self.criarEvento("onCompleteConnection", [self.getNumeroFuturoFone()]))
thread.start_new_thread(self.socketReceiveData, ())
except Exception as erro:
self.logErro("Conexao falhou ")
self.logErro("O erro foi: ")
def getFileConfigFF(self, tag, subTag):
Config = configparser.ConfigParser()
pastaLocal = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
Config.read(pastaLocal + '\config.ini')
caminho = re.findall('"([^"]*)"', Config[tag][subTag])
return caminho[0]
But I want to get the ip and port for an .ini file, I've already performed several tests using the getFileConfigFF method and it picks up the values normally.
I tried to assign the values for the connect method in several ways like:
dest = (ip, port)
self.__ffChatSocket.connect((ip, port))
I tried to get the values using cast (str and int) and also without the cast, but it always has the same error when trying to connect:
[Errno 10061] Nenhuma conexÒo p¶de ser feita porque a mßquina de destino as recusou ativamente
This is the last code I tested:
class Socket():
__ffChatSocket = ""
__meuTelefone = ""
__WhatsappAPI = ""
__dest = ()
def __init__(self, telefone, WhatsappAPI):
ip = str(self.getFileConfigFF('infoserver','ip'))
port = int(self.getFileConfigFF('infoserver','port'))
self.__dest = (ip, port)
self.__meuTelefone = telefone
self.__WhatsappAPI = WhatsappAPI
def socketConnect(self):
self.__ffChatSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.__ffChatSocket.send(self.criarEvento("onCompleteConnection", [self.getNumeroFuturoFone()]))
thread.start_new_thread(self.socketReceiveData, ())
except Exception as erro:
self.logErro("Conexao falhou ")
self.logErro("O erro foi: ")
def getFileConfigFF(self, tag, subTag):
Config = configparser.ConfigParser()
pastaLocal = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
Config.read(pastaLocal + '\config.ini')
caminho = re.findall('"([^"]*)"', Config[tag][subTag])
return caminho[0]
I put pprint (self .__ dest) before the connection to show the value that was set to self .__ dest and what is shown on the screen is:
('', 4433)
In other words, the ip and port are right, but I do not understand why it is not connected and why it connects normally when the values are set manually.