I made an animation OpenMenuzin Storyboard and so on, I already did this before reversing the animation by C #
//pode estar errado mas foi mais ou menos isso
sb = (Storyboard)Resources["Animaçao"];
sb.AutoReverse = true;
sb.Seek(TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), TimeSeekOrigin.Duration);
This works + - but it should be used, but how do I do this animation to reverse (reverse) the pure xaml.
Where I Left:
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Expander.Collapsed">
<SeekStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="AbrirMenuzin" Offset="0" Origin="BeginTime"/>
Ps: I do not want to duplicate / create another storyboard, but only reverse the existing storyboard.