I have the following code, where it determines the time of delivery. Here is the code:
function delivery(){
var cep1 = document.getElementById("cep1").value;
var cep2 = document.getElementById("cep2").value;
var cep = cep1 + "-" + cep2;
var data = new Date();
var mes = data.getMonth() + 1;
var diaMes = data.getDate();
var hoje = diaMes + "/" + mes;
var diaSemana = data.getDay();
var hora = data.getHours(); // 0-23
if(feriados.indexOf(hoje) != -1 || diaSemana == 0 || diaSemana == 6){
}else if(hora < 7 || hora > 16){
}else if(ceps.indexOf(cep) == -1){
if (diaSemana == 1){
} else if (diaSemana == 2){
} else if (diaSemana == 3){
} else if (diaSemana == 4){
} else if (diaSemana == 5){
} else {
What I do not know how to do and I need to put the time limit from 4pm (today) to 3:30 PM, ie put the minutes that do not exist today. I know the code snippet is this:
var hora = data.getHours(); // 0-23
if(feriados.indexOf(hoje) != -1 || diaSemana == 0 || diaSemana == 6){
}else if(hora < 7 || hora > 16){
I just do not know how! Thank you all for your help!