Slow Entity C # when saving image


I'm having a slow system that I created in C # using Entity Framework. At the moment I am going to save a record from an attachment, I am compressing the file. Before I check if it is .jpg or .pdf (only extensions accepted by the system). The files I am attaching have a maximum of 1MB, and yet the system is slow ... Appears as "Not responding" and after a certain time (approximately 20 seconds), persists. Does anyone know what it can be?

I already checked the network (it is normal) and the configuration of the computer is good.

Here are my method codes for saving and compressing files.

private void btnSalvar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (ValidaForm())
                MovimentacaoID = movimentacao.MovimentacaoID,
                AnexoID = txtCodAnexo.Text,
                Descricao = txtDescricao.Text,
                Tipo = "COMUM",
                Nome = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(txtArquivo.Text),
                Extensao = Path.GetExtension(txtArquivo.Text),
                Arquivo = (Path.GetExtension(txtArquivo.Text) == ".pdf" ? Global.EncriptPDF(txtArquivo.Text) : Global.EncriptFoto(txtArquivo.Text)),
                DataCadastro = DateTime.Now,
                UsuarioCadastro = FormPrincipal.getUsuarioAcesso().LoginUsr

            using (controle = new ControleFAnexoMovimentacao())
                Global.MsgSucesso("Registro salvo com sucesso.");
                salvo = true;

            if (Global.NovoRegistro() == DialogResult.Yes)

And this is to compress the files:

 public static byte[] EncriptFoto(string img)
        byte[] bytesImagem = null;
        FileStream fstream = new FileStream(img, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
        BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fstream);
        bytesImagem = br.ReadBytes((int)fstream.Length);

        return CompressBytes(bytesImagem);

public static byte[] EncriptPDF(string pdf)
        byte[] arrayDeBytes;

        using (Stream stream = new FileStream(pdf, FileMode.Open))
            arrayDeBytes = new byte[stream.Length + 1];
            stream.Read(arrayDeBytes, 0, arrayDeBytes.Length);

        return CompressBytes(arrayDeBytes);
asked by anonymous 04.10.2017 / 20:35

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