How to correctly insert data into a queue in JavaScript?


I have to insert some data into a queue, and I have the following functions:


InsertPos - which will insert the position of the data,


RemovePos - which will remove the position of the die,


ReadList - which will read the list that has been added.

My code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- <title>Web Page Design</title> -->
<script type = "text/javascript" />
function Lista(){

this.minhalista= new Array();
this.InserirPos= function(obj, pos){
if(pos< this.minhalista.length) {
alert("Posição invalida");

this.RemoverPos = function(pos){
if(pos<(this.minhalista.length+1)) {

this.LerLista = function(){
for(co=0;co< this.minhalista.length;co++)
alert("Não há objetos na Lista");


<h1>Exemplo Lista</h1>
<script type ="text/javascript" />

var minhalista= new Lista();

minhafila.InserirPos(prompt ("Digite um texto : "));
minhafila.InserirPos(prompt ("Digite um texto : "));
minhafila.InserirPos(prompt ("Digite um texto : "));




The problem is that by putting in the HTML part to insert the positions and data, it does not happen anything and I can not ask the user to enter the numbers, and even after this, it does not appear on the screen the numbers. / p>

How can I fix this, and promptly and correctly insert the data into the queue?

asked by anonymous 25.10.2017 / 00:55

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